Tsuyoshi had left the shop after someone had caught his attention with whisperings about the SS. However, Tsuyoshi had decided that if he investigated, then there would be no harm in that. It's not like he's going after the contract... right? Now all Tsuyoshi had to do was get into the Skies. Tsuyoshi wanted to rush off as soon as possible so went to the place he always knew was guaranteed to take him there. Tsuyoshi made the turn into the street and now the sky was red, and a smile slowly grew on his face. Now... the second order of business, where the fuck should he go? Hmm... maybe somewhere high. Tsuyoshi walked towards the first alleyway he saw to find a pipe that would lead him to the roofs. After that, Tsuyoshi had a pretty good view of the Crimson Skies. Susan didn't really have anywhere she was going, but she didn't let that dissuade her. She'd danced this dance a hundred times: she sets up shop, she tries to alleviate some of the blandness and drudgery from the place, and then within a year or so brainless monsters find her and send her on her way. She once tried staying in place, and held them off for weeks, but once some of these brainless troglodytes find her it is only a matter of hours before enough swarm her that it is just more convenient to move, the endless hours of monster slaying and constant vigilance hurting not only her recreation but her complexion. She hopped along the dilapadating buildings, portals appearing and disapprearing as she traversed the tall structures. She didn't run into problems, thankfully, but in the distance she could make out the herds of mindless creations on their exodus from [i] whatever [/i] was going on to the south. After a few hours of walking, broken up by a rather productive break, during which she figured out how to activate the 'Game-Boy' and finally realized what all the fuss was about, she spotted a figure in the distance. A young man, unmistakably human and standing with the self-assurance that indubitably marked him as a Chaser. From a safe distance, placing him almost at the edge of her abilities, she called out to him, announcing her presence for politeness rather than any fear that he had not noticed her. "Hello! Are you friendly!?" Tsuyoshi whipped around to the voice, which belonged to a woman standing a fair distance away. Knowing the nature of this place, she was either a Chaser or a Youkai, with the appearance of a human. He cautiously began to draw his sword. "Well, that depends, are you friendly!?" He called back as he placed a hand on the handle. Susan smiled slightly, though she doubted her new friend could make it out. She shouted back, her voice holding slightly more mirth this time around. "That's an awfully stupid question to ask. Doesn't anyone learn game theory over in the human world these days? There's something called the 'Prisoner's Dilemma'." Susan opened a portal directly in front of her and another a safe distance from her opposite, near the edge of the roof the man stood on. Walking through, she waved slightly, absentmindedly fixing her hair, disturbed in the journey over. "And last time I read one of your books on it, apparently we're meant to Ally" "Prisoner's Dilemma? That applies here? I must be mistaken or something but I'm pretty sure I'm not a prisoner." He smiled as he snapped his fingers with his free hand as a flicker of fire appeared over that hand. "Ally? I mean... we could do that..." he began, trying to hide the fact that he was amazed by the portal and thought it was super cool. "But I don't really think [i]you[/i] want to? Correct?" He inquired. "Why wouldn't I? I'm sure we can help each other in some way. I doubt you're in this red hellhole just on a whim, and I certainly have matters that could use a helping hand." She kept her distance. Despite her desires to be friendly and exchange services, she knew full well that there really was nothing stopping this man from trying to cut her head off and sell it for a handful of drachma, or whatever these "japanese" called their money. "Now, last I heard that Great Wall had come down, and everyone in Asia liked capitalism again. So, lets trade. What can [i] I [/i] do for [i] you [/i]?" Ughhh, history wasn't for another two days! Tsuyohsi did not wanted to be reminded about school in the Crimson Skies. This was his escape from it. "Well then, in that case." Tsuyoshi said, as he put his katana back in it's saya after extinguishing the flame. "Let's talk." He said with a smile. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. "Now, I've heard stuff about this [i]thing[/i] causing a lot of disturbances in my world and yours. Know anything about that?" He asked "I don't have a clue, but whatever it is, it's been nothing but trouble. Whatever it is, monsters don't want to be around it, and apparently they decided that they'd flee into my quarters. I'd be happy to help you look into it, though I'm not sure how much help I'd be." Honesty was the best policy when bargaining with someone that might be able to kill you. Al had been very clear about that. "Why do you care? What has been happening in the Human World? It has been too long since I went back, I fear." So, the rumour's not true. "I was told that this thing wasn't a [i]thing[/i] rather than a bunch of things, with a leader. But... if nothing dares to go near it, then that makes Chaser's jobs a lot easier." Tsuyoshi explained. After a tiny bit of silent deliberation, he suddenly clapped his hands together. "Right! Now for you, you said Youkai have been invading your space. Now that you've helped me, I suppose the best I could do is help you. What do you say we clear out a couple of the bastards, huh?" He offered as repayment for her information. He then offered his hand out. "I'm Tsuyoshi, by the way." He introduced himself. Susan did not move from her perch on the other side of the roof, but smiled, miming a handshake with the air and giggling to herself slightly at the obsurdity of the gesture. "I'm Susan, at least for now. So, shall we be off?" Susan opened a pair of portals for her and her companion, and resumed her travel, her course changing to the one place she did not particularly want to go.