Sana perked a slender brow at Fionas description of what she held in her hand, perhaps it would prove useful. Listening, she reached over and took the worn parchment from Fiona as it was offered to her and looked it over slowly; her eyes drifting over the markings and taking in what paths and routes were laid out. As she saw one area on the map she pulled out the piece of paper that Wylsen had given some members of the group the day before and looked over the list of ingredients. At Fionas question about her well being her eyes slowly lifted from their focus and sought out the fighters eyes. "Not really," she said in a hollow voice before averting her eyes and taking their attention back to where they had been. "And it's okay, you're not prying," she said as she folded the ingredient list up and tucked it back away. Changing the subject back to the map she pointed out the cave beyond the next village. "Looks like this is our next destination," she said as her finger pointed to the Eye Wing note on the map. "From the looks of things it should take a couple of days to reach the next village and then another day to reach the cave," she said handing the map back to Fiona. "Good a place to start as any." Resting back in her saddle she glanced around and took a quick count of who was there and who wasn't. Hugh being one of the ones that were not out there yet she felt both relieved and worried. She needed to speak to him and him not keeping near her was odd but then again she wasn't exactly acting like her usual self either. "So, who's going to drive that thing?" she asked around in general. Three of them already had their own personal mounts, at least one more would if not more, and someone had to take control of the wagon.