[color=D6CC88][u][b]Past the Bridge[/b][/u] Cecil could use magic? And wasn't lightning unusual? Maybe it was related to wind or water, because it came in storms? Amuné was impressed and confused. How did a machine get the blessing of a Saint? She wouldn't have thought such a thing possible, and she'd not sensed the attack, neither the smooth rush of Saint Genrei's blessing, nor the breezy feel of Saint Kedo's. She put it from her mind for now, too tired to worry about it at the moment. The girl gave Ethan a weary smile. "Glad you're okay..." she mumbled, still all but lying on Wyth's back as he padded along. The bad Magi hadn't sent any more attacks her way after they'd passed him, but deliberately tapping into her magic made her so very tired. Still, she'd been successful, and that was a good thing. Her father had said that practice made it easier to use magic, but she'd never had reason to use her Sight deliberately before. She'd thought the village was a safe place. Out here, though, she had no idea what to expect. Her magic would be useful, if she could learn to use it. But...could she trust Ethan enough to tell him, and ask him to teach her? She certainly wasn't sufficiently sure of Cecil yet, and besides the Machina seemed unsure of so many things. He didn't even know how to build a fire, so she doubted he knew much about magic. "And you do need to be more careful, Ethan," she added, frowning slightly. Amuné was tired enough that she wasn't censoring her words as carefully for the moment. "There's bad people who will hurt you if they know what you are....Can't just trust anyone." Really, the caution was partially for herself instead of for Ethan alone. It was sad to hear a child say something like that, though.[/color]