[center][h2]Victorique Winterfield[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nez1qSU.jpg[/img] [i]Adressed as Victorica for the convenience[/i] [b]Age[/b] 15 [b]Height[/b] 1,48m/4,8ft [b]Weight[/b] 41kg/90lbs [b]Path[/b] Kurai [b]Weapon[/b] [url=http://imgur.com/50rXkwX]Katana and way of holding the weapon[/url] [url=http://imgur.com/70OFB1b]Kunai[/url] [b]Personality[/b] Victorique is an easy going, confident young woman, customarily declaring herself as an assassin and displaying her skills. Rarely does Victorique become agitated or nervous, typically acting casually in most situations. She is even able to remain calm and function normally even while at a disadvantage. Although, there are times where she can get uneasy and even embarrassed. She is also quite kind and friendly, usually getting along with almost everybody. Even those who act hostile to her, she will still act cordially regardless of their actions. Additionally, Victorique can be quite playful and teasing, sometimes teasing or tricking her friends amuses her greatly. Furthermore, she also enjoys observing them and watching them react in different situations. Overall, Victorique appreciates her friends and cares deeply for their well being, supporting and watching over them. Despite her mischievous behaviors, Victorique has a serious side, especially when the people she cares about are in danger. During those times, she is very reliable, willing to fight and protect others when they are unable to battle. [b]Biography[/b] Victorique was born in England, since her parents didn't have enough money to keep care of her she was sent to Japan after she just turned 5, to be taken care of by her uncle. Her uncle ran his own company and lived in a big house. He didn't mind for her to stay, but he didn't have enough time to take care of the child and left it to the maids and butlers most of the time. Even a private teacher was being hired for her to teach her Japanese and all the other basic subjects she had already learned in England. It wasn't long before she got used to the culture and traditions. It made her excited about reading manga and watching movies. She always liked the ninjas in de movies and mangas and wanted to be just like them. Her uncle was tottally okay with it and let her do whatever she wanted. Victorique pressed on with becoming a ninja and trained hard for it over the next few years. Victorique has been sent to a public Japanese school when she was 8. She still attended ninja classes and was enjoying it to the fullest. She had developed quite some skill for it too. Making friends in school was rather easy for her since she was so calm and caring to everyone. But living this new life didn't run completely smooth. Sleep terrors occurred more and more during this period of her life making it very difficult to keep on sleeping. It made her pretty drowsy during the days but she kept pushing through and tried to not make a big fuss about it with just keep acting casual to others when they asked if she was alright. It didn't give much more problems and she tried to live with it the best she could. When she turned 14 she needed to decide what she wanted to do after this school, but nothing came to mind and it became a very quick problem. The school helped her to find a school that she liked and it seemed to fit nicely. With her skills and talents she got accepted in the Mikado Daigaku school to become a fully fledged assassin. [b]Martial Art Style[/b] 1.)Ninjutsu sometimes used interchangeably with the modern term ninpō is the strategy and tactics of unconventional warfare and guerrilla warfare as well as the art of espionage purportedly practiced by the shinobi (commonly known outside of Japan as ninja). Ninjutsu was more an art of tricks than a martial art. 2.)Kenjutsu modern styles of kendo and iaido that were established in the 20th century included modern form of kenjutsu in their curriculum too. Kenjutsu, which originated with the samurai class of feudal Japan, means the method, or technique, of the sword. This is opposed to kendo, which means the way of the sword. The exact activities and conventions undertaken when practicing kenjutsu vary from school to school, where the word school here refers to the practice, methods, ethics, and metaphysics of a given tradition, yet commonly include practice of battlefield techniques without an opponent and techniques whereby two practitioners perform kata (featuring full contact strikes to the body in some styles and no body contact strikes permitted in others). 3)Shurikenjutsu is a general term describing the traditional Japanese martial arts of throwing shuriken, which are small, hand-held weapons used primarily by the Samurai in feudal Japan, such as metal spikes bō shuriken, circular plates of metal known as hira shuriken, and knives. Shurikenjutsu was usually taught among the sogo-bugei, or comprehensive martial arts systems of Japan, as a supplemental art to those more commonly practiced such as kenjutsu, sojutsu, bōjutsu and battlefield grappling kumi-uchi (old form jujutsu), and is much less prevalent today than it was in the feudal era. [b]Magic Style[/b] 1.)Shinobi-iri the Stealth and entering methods of the Ninja. Hiding in the shadows lurking in the night. Victorique can hide herself by use of the shadows. The downside is that she is not completely invisible and can still be touched and all.[/center]