Hugh's gaze went up to Sana as he smiled to her cheerfully, waving without a care in the world. Everything seemed peachy to him. He didn't notice at first that Sana had blown by without a word, as the little one had come to him filled with excitement and joy at her new clothing, successfully diverting his attention before he could discern anything negative from Sana. Hugh could only greet Arianna with glee, as he was more than happy to see her smiling face and her showing off the dress and shoes to him. It made him remarkably happy, and he wasn't one to let that go for the time being. He laughed and even clapped for her, the smile glued on his face. It didn't begin to show wear, until he heard Sana mention to the sister that the little one would be staying with the nun. His smile almost completely faded, as his eyes wandered to the floor, staring blankly. His moment was interrupted by a hand falling on his shoulder and his attention went upwards to the newcomer. It was, in fact, the nun. [i]"I think you two need to talk."[/i] Her words were meant with a very quizzical expression from Hugh. "Okaaaay." To say he was confused was an understatement. Of course, Hugh began to understand a little as Sana blew past him again without any recognition. He looked at her in awe, just wondering. He was perplexed. He stood up, took a few steps before ending up standing in front of Arianna, and squatted down in front of her. "Hey, my little princess." He picked up one of her tiny hands with his fingers, "We won't be long. We'll be back. I promise." He said. With that, he let go of her hand, and ran upstairs. Moments later he came down with a rucksack slung over his back. Taking quick steps towards the table he was previously on, he swept up his saddlebag in hand, and placed his pipe in his mouth. Before exiting the room, he lit the pipe, and waved to the little one, giving one last goodbye before he headed off to do something strictly for the money and the orphans. He slipped outside, making his way towards the stables. There he found his most fondest friend, Rodger. The horse greeted him by throwing back his head and snorting in acknowledgement. Hugh grinned happily at the sight of his old friend, and started leading him from the stables. With his horse out in the open, he acquired the saddle and threw it over Rodger's back. Fastening it tightly to him, he threw the reins on him, arranging them methodically. Then Hugh attached his saddle bags to the back of his horse, and swung himself up into the saddle, his feet firmly placed in the stirrups. Hugh felt proud as he rode his horse out into the street from the stables. A smile seemed to be fixed on his face, as he emerged. Before long, Hugh and Rodger were standing next to the wagon, ready to leave and head to fairer pastures, along with adventure and danger.