"As you say." Ragna adjusted his light elven lover in his arms before his heavy boots started to move off the dirt road that the merchants and most normal travelers who weren't acting like hormonal teenagers moved on. The twigs and fallen leaves cracked under the heavy foot falls of the large demon. He weaved through the branches of the lively oak trees that stretched upward towards the sky in vain attempts to garner more sunlight then the neighboring trees. There was something peaceful about the setting, that set his mind at ease despite all the danger going on around him. His eyes briefly looked down onto the small body of Lydia as her head rested against his chest. Just having her close made him feel more at ease though that could be the oath that was doing this to him. As he pushed through the forest He noticed a small clearing in the distance that was lit up by the silver moonlight, as well as the faint flickers of the flame that came from the obviously occupied clearing. An bandit camp or merely some travelers who wanted a little more security? Caution and hesitation built up inside of him as he knelt to the ground to set Lydia down. " I think we should hold off on our lovemaking for now...I'd rather not test our luck in finding out who occupies the space ahead of us. It might be best to just continue on our way with our original plan to return to my manor as soon as possible." He looked into her bright emerald eyes with affection and sadness wanting to hear her opinion in the matter. " Though in the end it shall be up to you as I will gladly fight any battle for another moment with you." His gauntleted hand closed around the hilt of his claymore as his gaze moved out towards the flickering firelight that danced hungrily around the darkness