[I]"Don't let him hear you say that or I won't be the only one keeping an eye on the airlocks." Loire smiled.[/i] "Heh, he could try," Viva chuckled and returned the slight smile, "Like i said doc: Override Codes." Just outside the medbay was a small lounge area, basically a couch with a low set coffee table that was bolted to the floor that they'd been lucky to avoid banging their shins against. It was open on two sides, one a kind of half-ledge and the other a half wall, but both had the look to them that they could batten up tight in an emergency. "So, the kitchen is across the hall here," Viva began stepping over a smear of blood that had been tracked on the floor. She waved in the general direction of the other half-wall which opened into what appeared to be a very utility-efficient kitchenette with a bar like table set up on one side, "It may not look like much but it's fully functional. We dont starve, but any talent making Space Preserves taste better than mealy protein chalk is more than welcome." "Sanitation is through there on the other side," She continued, leaning tiredly against the wall, "We'll all probably have to give it a go before too long here. It's a tight fit usually but the water stays hot forever when we have it- last time we hit port long enough to breath we stocked up so we're not on short-rations just yet, but it's best not to linger too long." Pushing away from the wall, she made her way towards the cargo hold. She wasn't nearly as dizzy as she'd been before, nor as faint, but she was still feeling that bone deep exhaustion that came from surviving another day fraught with peril. She didn't remember life aboard the Lucidae being quite this dangerous all the time growing up. She needed a vacation. "We've got four rooms actually, so you're in luck there," She continued trying to casually guide her way along the wall without looking like she was leaning too heavily on it for support, "Granted the fourth is full of junk and crap so we'll have to clear it out- but with the state of things right now I don't think anybody will be able to notice in this mess." Again she gestured with her free hand, this time at the crates and boxes of cargo that was strewn about carelessly- they'd only managed to tie down about half of what they'd gotten and the other half had been sliding and careening around with her reckless flying. She frowned down at one of the dented boxes, her face in an expression of distaste, "I don't even know what the hell we picked up. Noah wouldn't tell. So I prolly won't like it. Fuck, he always does this." Viva gave the box a mean kick, her look turning dark as she growled, "Fuck this shit, I hope it was worth it, Noah-" Viva stopped mid-rant, her voice nearly a squeak as her eyes flew wide in surprise and no little alarm. The box she'd kicked had flipped over, and the top-unsecured and battered- gave way spilling its contents of colorful iridescent packets on the floor. And she knew what this was. She fucking KNEW! "Nth!" She exclaimed, and it would have been an ear shattering shriek if she could breath, but it only came out as a disbelieving gasp, "He's got us transporting Nth?! Doesn't he know how [i]bad[/i] this shit is?! I mean, drugs are one thing but Nth is some next level shit. No wonder those fuckers were chasing us..." "Fuuuuuuck," Viva moaned and covered her face with a hand as she tried to pull herself back together. It had been a really stressful day and she did not need this right now. She really didn't.