Even though he has a suspicion that there are layers beyond the surface conversation that he is missing, Autharyx is feeling pretty good about it all. Viltez has given no indication that he has been offended by something Autharyx has said, and now his host’s tail even makes his way around his arm again. It is weird how comforting the press of the appendage is, given that it is just about as novel to him as the rest of this venture into humanity, but as long as Viltez seems okay with it he’s not going to press his luck by questioning it too much. At least he knows not that trying to pet it will make Viltez pull away, so he just enjoys the contact as he waits for the beast man to speak. When he does, the sense that he’s missing something grows, especially when Viltez starts blushing and stumbling over some of his words. Autharyx tilts his head a little as he listens and tries to project a polite sort of attention rather than the concentrated focus he’s currently applying. The bed thing seems to be a bit of a tender issue with his host, and Autharyx supposes he should treat it as such if he wants to come across as a well-adjusted human, instead of reveal that he actually really likes the idea of sharing the bed. If he was in his natural form he would have preened at the thought. Back home he spent most of his time slumbering on top of his most precious possession, ranging from gold and gems to tapestries and gifts he’d gathered over the ages. It is probably… disrespectful to want to gather Viltez up for his treasure trove, though, so he does his best to banish the image from his mind and keep from looking too eager. “That seems… very practical,” he finally says, careful not to fluster Viltez any further, even though there is a certain appeal to watching the spread of red across his face (and down his collar? Can all the skin on a human body blush like that or is it confined to the head?). “I really like the idea of staying longer,” [i]spending more time with you[/i], “and I’d hate to think my presence would be cause for your discomfort. In fact, you being stiff and not well-rested would be far more distasteful for me than the idea of sleeping together. I was very fortunate indeed to happen upon so kind a host, and it would be terribly impolite for me to repay that favour by providing you with sleepless nights.” He smiles in what he hopes is a reassuring manner, ignoring the thread of anticipation curling in his gut. It will be nothing like curling around Viltez in his natural form, of course, but that doesn’t stop him from looking forward to it. He continues with his meal as he observed Viltez to see if he handled this well. He feels he’s gotten better after startling him badly in the forest that afternoon, but he’s running blind here in regards to ‘normal’ human reactions so it’ll always be a bit of a gamble.