And the results: [@Crimmy] - An interesting story, a little off the beaten path but well conceived non the less. It carried I think most of the qualities a good story should have even if it was a little really weird. [@NarayanK] - I did like your story, it was well thought out and nicely written however I did stipulate that I didn't want a classic fairy tale rewritten and though I am not personally well acquainted with the Japanese fairy tale your entree was based off you admitted yourself that it was. [@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN] - An enjoyable read, that being said it wasn't really a fairy tale. It was well written but it didn't follow the criteria of the prompt. [@KabenSaal] - [i]That[/i] does not even dignify a response however I feel I should impart to you two pieces of advice. Firstly I do not appreciate being mocked. Secondly and this doesn't just apply to the contests but it applies heavily too them, try to write something of substance. If you simply put in an entree because no one else has hoping to win on the off chance that no one else enters you are never going to get any credits. I guarantee that someone will always submit an entree that has at least a small amount of effort which will beat out no effort every time. This doesn't just apply to the contests but to RPing and in fact writing in general. People will respect you more as an RPer and as a writer if you make it clear that your writings means something too you rather than something to be tossed away at the first opportunity. I'm sorry about that everyone, I guess I'm better at giving advice and criticism than I am compliments. For those of you that tried I really did enjoy your entrees even if I'm not altogether very good at nailing down exactly why. You all did a good and thorough job on them regardless of who gets the credits. On that note it's time to announce the winners. In second place winning a grand total of exactly [b]One Credit[/b] is [@NarayanK]. And in first place for a spectacular prize of [b]Two Credits[/b] is.... drum role please *sound of drums* [url=]*Thump thump thump thump*[/url] the Winner is [@Crimmy]. Congratulations everyone, whether you won or not you all did excellent jobs. I leave the Contests of Champions in the capable hands of Lugubrious.