[hider="Fuck You Am Drunk"] Name: Hol Weipwala Age: 44 Alignment: True Neutral Species: Human/Fire Elemental (his mother was a Fire elemental) Appearance/Clothing: a long red beard hides his chin. He’s a fat yet muscular the former is found mostly in his gut which is covered in stretch marks but he shows off the latter in his muscular arms and legs. He never wears a shirt. So he can show off his scars and tattoos that covers his body but wears a long White kilt that has had been stained by mud and is littered with burn marks. Underneath that he wears tanned brown pants. Also goes bear foot. Abilities Hol is a drunken master who are known for there apparently unbalanced way of fighting. Hol is also master in the use of improvised weapons, he can use furniture, farm implements, or nearly anything else at hand to attack his foes. But he also known to be able to call upon fire at will Additional Information: Thanks to being son of a fire elemental the heat that his body gives off causes him leave burn marks everywhere he goes (and that is one of the many reason why he doesn’t wear a shirt or shoes) he views Saria as a daughter Weapons: A massive (fire proof) wooden keg that he has strapped to his back Possessions: Carries around a few tankard that are strapped to his belt also has a ring that hangs on a necklace. Personality: can be quite silly, but he has a short temper known for being fun silly one moment and the next he threatening to disembowel you [/hider]