Riza had stayed standing, not sitting down with the suit behind her. She stood by a chair.though as she listened to the bat looking man and the other man of which spoke next. It was rather odd to hear about worm holes developing on or near the planets surface. Almost soumded.like the story she heard when she was younger. But this wasmt like those. This was different. And as far as she knew, this didnt involve an artifact as far as she knew. Riza perked her head when she saw the back looking man was talking to her. She thoufhr for a moment, remembering bits of it but she was going to respond. "I was assigned to scout some e.t activity that my teammates and i kept hearing about. So i was scouting to see if said rumors were true. Before i could confirmed, i was attacked by some unknown being. After that, i told my teammates about what happened, telling me to stay put i found what looked like a type of portal. I was trying to figure out the readings when i got pushed in. My armor shut down and landed on the freaky clown you call the Joker." Riza explained to everyone.