The story of this imaginary Kaylee greatly disturbed the priests of Tyr, their attempts to free the trapped entity having little success with the likes of Keystone. When the monk mentioned the name 'Glith', however, the eyes of the goodly priest went wide for just a second before he composed himself, but didn't divulge any further information if he had any. The Thay red Wizards were known for many things, not the least of which was their power, but even that was dwarfed by their hunger for more. The enclave in Telflamm was one of the largest congregations of the faction ins all of the realms, boasting dozens, if not hundreds of powerful mages at any given time. For all their evil, the enclave was also one of the primary places to get the best magical items in the east of the Realms, and the wizards gave better prices than most of the merchants did. The main entrance to the enclave in Telflamm was large set of double wooden doors, emblazoned with the logo of the Red Wizards. During most business days, these doors were wide open, inviting the guests into a large, almost cathedral-like interior with magical torches and candles barely reaching the ceiling. On the forefront of it all, at a small desk surrounded by hundreds of massive shelves with various potions, spells and other items lining them, sat an unremarkable grey skinned man, so thin he was almost impossible to see in the gloom. Wearing the standard garb of the red wizards, an apprentice cloak, he spent most of his days behind that desk, waiting for customers. No other obvious guards or sentries could be seen in the space, but only a fool would doubt that some manner of defense was present.