Upon approach Fyldren and her apprentice dismounted, Argus could note the difference between the two almost instantly. The woman was calm, assured, and gave only the bow politeness necessitated. She introduced herself as simply as he had, and then proceeded to introduce her apprentice, Leonis, who was most assuredly not so calm. The man bowed low deferentially, and Argus couldn't help but let that trademark chuckle slip from his lips. Behind him though, he became increasingly aware of Dohnut edging closer, and for a moment Argus wasn't sure why, but then he remembered "[i][color=0072bc]Ah right, I'd forgotten, I'm toting around a fan too. Dohnut must be pissin 'imself at the sight of Fyldren. Always was one for strong female adventurers he was.[/color][/i]" For now, Argus casually patted Leonis on the shoulder and said "[color=0072bc]Ah, no need to be so deferential lad! I'm just like any other dwarf except with a longer accomplishment list.[/color]" He then gestured back to Dohnut, whose quiet squeals of excitement were becoming markedly less quiet by the moment, saying "[color=0072bc]This is me own apprentice, Dohnut, he's quite the fan of yours as well Ms. Briarheart.[/color]" Argus had to admit, it was a little strange seeing people impressed with him again. Since he hadn't left the village in so long, he'd grown rather used to being, as he called it, a 'passive legend'. Sure, people still treated him with absurd amounts of respect and all that, but the bowing stage had long passed. After all, familiarity quickly overtook the legends that they'd heard, and they came to know him for what he was, a man with a liver of steel and a penchant for axes. In a way it felt good to be out where his name was fresh again, but in another way it was uncomfortable. A man you've never met bowing before you may be incredibly flattering, but it can also be unsettling when you are shooting specifically for a normal social interaction. Though, Dohnut seemed to be doing worse, staring at her and basically shaking in excitement, so maybe the kid's showing was better than his own lads. His armor clunked as he laughed again, the humor of the situation catching up with himself as he said to the boy "[color=0072bc]Fascinated with dragons, are ye? Aye, yer right to be curious, right fearsome beasts they are, ole Ahmen gave me no small amount of trouble, broke me old axe at that. Right shame too, it was a good axe, not as good as the one he 'gave' me in reply though.[/color]" Argus's laugh once more boomed out, filling the air with good humor as was his intent. Slowly drawing the axe with one hand, trying to make it rather clear he meant no harm, he offered it to the boy saying "[color=0072bc]If ye want, feel the weight, the heft of her. This is just forged from the leg bone of the monster, the Father only knows what I'll do with the rest of it.[/color]" At that, however, he glanced over to see the drawbridge was beginning to lower down to allow them all entry to the castle. He waited a few moments longer to allow the elf to consider his axe, hold it and feel it, if he so chose before reclaiming it and slinging it. He began to amble along towards the castle when Fyldren observed that popular lore was the he'd retired, and once more he laughed heartily, saying "[color=0072bc]I could say the same for yerself! They say The Protector of Balance has settled down to live a normal life! Ah, but look at me gettin ahead of meself, ramblin on without even addressin yer own comment. Aye, I did retire, got a wife and two perfect little kiddies back home. Ah, but what kinda dad would I be if I didn't go save the world so the kids can eat their meat and greens with their potatoes? This was worth comin out of retirement for, at least for a little while, after all I promised to protect the people of the kingdom, and till I can't heft me axe anymore, that's a vow I intend to make good on.[/color]" As he glanced over at the black assembly making its way into the castle, he added "[color=0072bc]Ah don't like that, not at all, makes me bones ache and me axe shake. Were the times different, they'd be foe not friend. Course, suppose the Protector knows more about that than me, given nature prefers ye to me.[/color]" At that another laugh issued forth, to show he meant no offense or anything at all by the remark.