actually, ill do it this way. i will ask permission with an interesting character lol [hider] Name: Echo Nurian Age: 31 Class: Adeptus Arbites Cyber-Mastiff Handler Psyker Powers: None Equipment: Carapace Armor Power Maul Suppression Shield Combat Shotgun Cyber-Mastiff Notable Deeds: Rank of Sargent within the Adeptus Arbites within first year Survived battle for Simia Orichalcae, an imperial planet besieged by Orks led by a Gargant and later by Necrons. Echo aided in the defence of the space port for several days to allow for evacuation of the civilian population. Echo never directly served under Commissar Ciaphas Cain but was part of the final battle before they escaped the planet and left the planet. (adding more if/when approved and thought up) Time with Inquisitor: (Pending more information: but probably none) Appearance: Echo [img][/img] Cyber mastiff [Img][/img] 40K Knowledge Question: Who turned Horus to Chaos? Erebus (i think) but ill do better with: The Orks as well as the Eldar where created to fight the Necron. [/hider]