[center][h2][color=silver]~ Vikki ~[/color][/h2][/center] Vikki shot a question Sharon's way as soon as she finished speaking. [color=silver]"Anything else you know that you'd like to share?"[/color] Her tone was one of "I don't have time for this" and "why wasn't I informed of this sooner?" [color=silver]"Like why there's an aquatic woman telling us not to kill this thing?"[/color] Before even turning to look at Andromeda, Vicki pulled out a spare pistol (not one of her Persian Long Lugers) and tossed it at the gorgon based on where her voice came from. [color=silver]"Use that for now,"[/color] she said, her head finally turning to see Andromeda. [color=silver]"I'll be expecting it back."[/color] Turning her attention back to the ocean, Vikki yelled [color=silver]"WHY?"[/color] at the woman creature telling them not to kill the serpent before bringing her katanas to bear. [color=silver]"Keep your heads on a swivel and defend yourself if attacked. If you've got a clean shot on the crystal, take it,"[/color] Vikki called out to the rest of those on the bridge. She hoped the aquatic woman would answer quickly if her plea had real merit. [center][h2][color=red]~ Mizuki ~[/color][/h2][/center] [color=red][i]Wow, I am just the best choice for this mission. I'm really glad I was picked for it,[/i][/color] Mizuki thought to herself sarcastically. If she was attacked, there was no way she wouldn't use her abilities and possibly set fire to half the museum in the process. But, she was here anyway, so she'd at least attempt to stay unnoticed while she could. Her hair and nine tails didn't exactly make that an easy task, however. She shrugged at the end of Prometheus' short briefing as if to say "I'm good to go whenever."