Nikolai's intensely burning gaze shifted over a few feet to look at the second girl as the first one vanished up the chimney. He looked a bit taken aback by the sound of his language being butchered. For about half a second. The massive man snorted, then pointed from the chimney to his broad shoulders with his free hand. The deep rumble of his voice was slow and measured, as if talking to a child. [color=navy]"Я не впишется, девочка."[/color] He gestured to the rest of the room, which had rapidly emptied, save for the ridiculous amount of corpses. [color=navy]"Даже дверь мал для меня."[/color] He paused, considering his options for a fraction of a second before he restored his pistol to its rightful place down the back of his threadbare underwear. [color=navy]"Я просто хочу, чтобы подняться по лестнице. Вы выполните. Или нет. Я не волнует."[/color] The giant snagged one of the fallen men's helmets as he opened the door, taking his sweet time as he strolled toward the din of battle.