Beth, once the ship was safely docked, stood and stretched. The flight into Oberon had brought back a couple memories, a few good ones, and a couple not so great. She had decided she'd think about the good ones. Of course even those were tinted with melancholy. Walt was waiting though, and he did not care overly much to wait too long. [color=92278f]"I'm going to visit my cousin."[/color] She told the captain, before exiting the ship. Walt's shop was busy, that wasn't surprising the man knew what he was doing. He stood behind the counter haggling over the price of some large shaped oil covered piece of metal. Beth couldn't guess what it was and cursed herself yet again for not having spent more time with her father in the engine. That had been for a good reason though, the pilot's seat called to her more than the engine ever had. Once the price had been agreed upon the customer paid and left leaving Walt alone at the counter. [color=92278f]"'Ello."[/color] Beth said with a bright smile. The large, grease stained overall wearing man, looked up from the register and gave Beth a toothy grin. "I didn't think you'd actually show up. After last time." He winked and Beth laughed just enough. [color=92278f]"Blood is blood."[/color] Beth shrugged. Walt squeezed through the opening of the counter and pulled Beth into a heavily scented hug. "What brings you to Oberon anyway? You were mighty vague on the wave." Walt asked once he released his cousin from the hug. [color=92278f]"It's a long story cuz, but I got awful close to payin' my dues."[/color] Beth frowned looking down at her boot covered feet. Walt harumphed and then called one of his shop hands to care for the register. He led Beth back into his office, a small room overstuffed with papers. He opened a drawer that had a couple folders in it. "Don't know if ya saw this." He passed a bright blue piece of paper over to Beth. The edges were a little bent and the ribbon, a soft blue one, that had been tied around it now slipped off. Beth read the paper a smile and a tear appearing on her face. She used the collar of her shirt to take care of the tear. [color=92278f]"I hadn't. Bet she's pissed."[/color] She handed the paper back to her cousin. "If you get a chance you should visit her." Beth shook her head. "I know." Walt sighed, knowing exactly why Beth couldn't visit that particular family member. "I'm glad you're here for now though. If ya need parts, family discount. Also you're invited to dinner tonight." Beth nodded, the smile gone now. [color=92278f]"Thanks Walt. I'll let the captain know, and see about making it for dinner. For now I think I'm going back to the ship."[/color] They clasped hands. "That's our Beth, never one to be off a ship for more than a few hours." Walt chuckled and walked with her back to the outside of the shop. Beth, as she walked back to the ship, pulled from her pocket an old worn red ribbon. For a moment she contemplated the ribbon before shoving it back into the pocket.