[b]“Recon mission?”[/b] Hoshiko tilted his head to the side at that odd statement, before fishing out the mission notice once more. Skimming over the short description once more, he wondered if Geoffrey had read the wrong mission or whatever, before turning it over to the older man. [b]“Let’s see…. ‘Dead or Alive’, and ‘Stop cause at all cost’…I honestly can’t imagine where you’d get the idea that recon’s involved!”[/b] Of course, there was that whole thing where the message read ‘Do not engage without extreme caution’, but that’s not THAT important. Any Chaser knew to approach scary Youkai with caution, so Hoshiko was just fine. Then again, Geoff looked to be a little lamer and more skittish than the Japanese Chaser had initially imagined. Ah well, it’s not like Hoshiko wasn’t accustom to carrying people. [b]“It’s not the danger I’m looking for, so everything’s going to be daijoubu,”[/b] Hoshiko continued, picking up his pace now that Geoffrey proved that he could keep up, [b]“It’s more because I have friends on the border, so it’d be bad if they couldn’t sleep well due to some SSS-rank problem making noise, you know?” “What ‘bout you though? Need money to treat a sister on life support or something?”[/b]