Ok, sorry for the wait. Been busy. I hope he's ok. I'll admit his backstory is kinda weak, and not really my favorite part about him so I might end up editing it. I was kinda drawing a blank for some of it. Let me know if I need to change anything else. [hider=Ryleer Sygti] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LmQ5MDAwMC5VbmxzWldWeUlGTjVaM1JwLjA,/masterblast.regular.png[/img] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p698/SwtorGameTeam/Jag_zps604084fe.png[/img][/hider] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr_4oqXVyDY]Soldiers[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGWzq5OrpCI]Diamond Eyes[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiaZDQjsbuw]Fell On Black Days[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_wX7bij4io]Come With Me Now[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z9Kmla_ceA]Enemies[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u9ymiSmtXY]Short Change Hero[/url][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ryleer Sygti [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Zabrak [b]Combat Role:[/b] Heavy Weapons [b]Years In Mynock Squad:[/b] Six [b]Appearance:[/b] Ryleer is a rather muscular young Zabrak with a tanned skin color. He's a tall fellow, being around 6'5, and weighes in at around 250 pounds of pure muscle. As with most Zabrak he has a crown of horns on his head, and traditional tattoos all over his body. He has bright yellow eyes that almost glow in the dark which adds to his intimidating appearance. As with most of his race he has no facial hair, and has a bald, shaven head. He has several scars all over his body fitting a warrior of his standing. When out of armor, which is rare occasions, he wears very light clothling, with sleeveless tunics, and pants, and boots. He doesn't take to much time on his appearance. [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] [list][*]Shock Trooper - Ryleer is a beast on the battlefield. As with most Zabraks he's built for one thing, battle, being on the front lines. It also doesn't hurt that his species has two hearts, and a very high natural pain tolerence. He can take a beating, and dish one out ten fold. It's best to stay behind him when fighting alongside him. [*]Hand To Hand Combat - Being from Iridonia Ryleer was trained from a very young age in their special, highly physical martial arts. He is an expert in hand-to-hand combat as per usual for his race. [*]Explosives - He's good at rigging things to explode. [*]Heavy Weapons - He knows his way around a blaster, and how to fix, and maintain them.[/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Mandalorian Heavy Repeater - This rather heavy, and bulky blaster is his main weapon. He has heavily modified his to not only a better rate of fire, but also he increased it's accuracy. With it he can pretty much take on an entire squad of Republic Soldiers. It's very durable, and when in close range he'll often use it as a bludgeon. [*]Mandalorian Blaster - This is his main sidearm. As awesome, and badass his heavy repeater is, it's rather bulky, and heavy. And sometimes things need a lighter touch. So that's where this beauty comes in. [*]Thermal Detonators - He keeps several bombs on his person, at the very least ten when in battle. [*]Mandalorian Shock Trooper Armor - Ryleer's armor is silver in color, showing that he is a vetern on the battlefield. His helmet was specially made by him to includes large spikes that houses his horns. His armor's gauntlets include different functions that would become common for bounty hunters in the future, including wrist mounted flamethrowers, and missles on each arm.[/list] [b]History:[/b] Ryleer was born, and raised on harsh world of Iridonia for most of his childhood until he was a a pre-teen. The Zabraks who live there are characterized as being a tough, and hardy people. And Ryleer was no different. Seemingly since birth he was trained, conditioned to be a warrior like many of his people. But they weren't forced to do this of course, as the Zabraks value independance above all else. But Ryleer choose it. When he was a young child his mother died from a rather nasty flu that swept through the village, and this left him in the care of his father. His father was, in polite terms, a trouble maker. He was a degenerate, a real scoundrel. He eventually got himself banished from Iridonia, and dragged Ryleer along with with him. His father stole them a starship, and spent the next several years traveling the stars. His father became a smuggler from then on. Traveling from system to system in a small starship didn't really sit well with the young Ryleer. He didn't like being stuck in the starship for most of the time, besides the occasional stop at a cantina of course. But this all came to a head when he was around twekve years old. His father was running some supplies for the Mandalorians, off the books of course. But it turned out his father was tricking the Mandalorians. He was selling them faulty weapons, and equipment. He had hiddened it well, enough to pass any tests they had at for them. But he vastly underestimated the Mandalorians, and they found out his deceit. Several of them fought with his father, and killed him. But his father somehow managed to kill one of them. The leader of this small group found a eleven year old Ryleer holding a blaster, ready to fire. This amused the warrior, and he decided that the young Zabrak should have a home. So he adopted Ryleer, whether he wanted to or not. At first the transition was difficult, given that they did kill his father. But he came to a realization. His father was not an honorable man, and probably deserved his fate. After that he took to the Mandalorian lifestyle rather quickly, and easily, given the similar war-like culture he was used to. Over the years he proved to be an adept warrior. He was put on the frontlines when he was around seventeen, and became quite the killing machine. He was transfered to varies squads, rarely staying there for more than a year before he was sent to provide heavy support to another. That was until he was assigned to Mynock squad. For some reason his superiors felt he was better suited there, and kept him around much longer than the other squads he was apart of. [b]Psychological Analysis:[/b] Ryleer is the very definition of a Zabrak warrior. He is a proud, strong, and confident being. He has a strong sense of self-assuredness, and believes nothing is truly impossible. Ryleer is a dedicated, intense, and extremely focused warrior who's devoted himself fully to the Mandalorian way of life. He's extremely loyal, almost to a fault, and will follow any order without question, or hesitation. No matter what it is he's asked to do, if you want something done, he's the man to do it. He can be quite stubborn, and has a single minded determanation to him. Indeed, he works best when he has a set goal in front of him, and will stop at nothing to get it done. He can be seen as somewhat arrogant as he'll freqently boast his achievements to his comrades with pride bordering on arrogance, and has a light air of superiority. But he doesn't think of himself as superior to anyone else, it's just within the Zabrak nature to boast such things. Coming from a War-like people he is naturally a ill-tempered, and ill-mannered young man. But he knows his position, and acts with the upmost respect to his superiors, but he also demands the same respect from those that are of a lower rank than him. He's extremely protective of his brothers, and sisters in arms, and is easily willing to scarfice himself for them. [b]Chracter Relations:[/b] TBA[/hider]