Would anyone be interested in a BIOSHOCK RP set in the early days of Rapture, when Andrew Ryan has arrived? For those not familiar with Bioshock, Rapture is an objectivist underwater city in the mid-atlantic. It was founded since Andrew Ryan felt, as objectivism dictates, that every penny he owns should go to him, and the government should enforce law and not meddle in the economy. They make profit off selling cigarettes, covering up smoking deaths, selling cocaine to coca-cola (they have literally legalized cocaine for coca-cola). He does not believe this is a government's place. The problem with this free market economy is that a new drug called ADAM gets discovered, and people become addicted and murder, rape or otherwise destroy to get ADAM. Everyone but for a few people get ADAM riddled. This involves physical mutation after first use, and mental instability the further down the line you go. You could play a half-splicer, human or completely mad splicer. (Splicers are ADAM users) The more ADAM you use, the better your strength and physical (not cerebral) capacities grow.