Meryn froze when yet another stranger appeared before her looking… weirdly normal, actually. He smiled, greeted her by name, and promptly shoved a bunch of bags in her arms. When he introduced himself as the Alchemist, Meryn perked up. This was the man Diego said had brought them here. But before she knew it, he was turning around to leave. After a moment, Meryn managed to unfreeze herself. Dropping the bags in a pile on the floor, she dashed over them to follow the Alchemist into the woods. She only ran a few yards though when suddenly there was a flash of green light. Running to where the man had just been, she turned around, looking for any sign of him. She gave a small huff and slammed the side of her fist into the tree next to her. He was gone. Damnit, she didn't want dresses or prophecies, she wanted [i]answers.[/i] She wanted to go home. Meryn dropped her hand back to her side and turned to walk back to the edge of the forest. When she returned she saw one of the men from the room looking through a bag. Meryn just looked down to glare at the pile.