[h2]Argon, Capital of the Grand Kingdom of Emperiat[/h2] Six carriages ride through the Eternity Gate entering the great city of Argon. The streets are filled with people who came to see the new advisers of the king. Plenty of items are thrown to the carriages, ranging from flowers to stones. Apparently the mood is mixed. If one would take a closer look at the crowd, some people would be seen wearing black, still mourning the death of king Andèris. Along the trip can also be seen a large marketplace with a statue under construction on it. Already it bears the liking of king Andèris. Upon the one hill Argon counts sits the royal palace, far above the rest of the city with it's many towers and high walls. Normally the ride to the Royal Palace would take up to an hour, but because of the large crowds the trip was extended to nearly two and half hours. When the carriages finally ride through the Gate of Hearts and enter the grounds of the Royal Palace the sun is already setting. The carriages stop one by one in front of the the entrance of the palace. All doors get opened simultaneously by the lackeys, allowing the guests to finally get out. They step to the side, not drawing attention to themselves, as they were trained. On the stairs stands an older man. He is lavishly dressed in fancy clothes and wears a medallion around his neck which indicates he is the steward of the new king Elendin. As you all know, the steward goes by the name of Sir Isaac and is the uncle of king Elendin. He spreads his arms and let's out a booming voice. "Welcome! I welcome you to Argon, the jewel of our kingdom. It pains me to see you all, as it reminds me of the fact that our beloved king Andèris is no longer with us. Although I'm also very pleased to see you, as it is the first step towards a new Emperiat under the rule of our new king, Elendin. Now, you all are probably tired because of the long journey, but the king has requested a meeting to get to know you all. So if you'll be following me." Not waiting for any responses the man turns around and walks up the stairs and through the open door. Walking through the door reveals a large hall as you have never seen before. Large marble pillars support the roof that is high up and the walls are covered in art and arms. To top it all of, due to the setting sun coming through the windows, the entire hall seems to be covered in gold. In this beauty lackeys are running around, trying to keep all the residents of the Royal Palace pleased and comforted. The lackeys that opened the doors of the carriages now walk through the door, carrying the luggage you have brought towards your rooms. In his haste one lackey accidentally bumps against High Inquisitor Saran of Jalehm. He quickly apologizes and goes back to his business before anyone has time to react. At the end of the hall is a large door which gives access to the throne room. Two lackeys are needed to open the door and the group enters the room. A large red carpet leads to the back of the room where a large golden throne stands. On this throne a small figure can be seen. The group gets announced one by one by a lackey as they enter the room. As the group approaches the figure can be recognized as Elendin, the new king of Emperiat. He is dressed in a fancy looking gambeson and wide pantaloons. On his head he wears the silver with jewels adorned crown that can only be worn by the king. He stands up as the group approaches and Isaac kneels down before him. "My liege, " he says, "The delegation has arrived and are ready to serve you." The young boy looks over the group with flickering eyes, and as he speaks it is not the nervous voice you'd have though you would hear, but rather a snarky one. "Finally. It took you long enough. I would thought my uncle said in his letter that you'd come here with great haste. If you cannot even follows such a simple order, what am I to expect from the council you are supposed to give me. But enough of that. I welcome you all to Argon. I hope all of you will have a pleasant stay here, and I hope that with the help of your council I will become a great as king as my father once was. As you are probably tired from the long journey, I will cut this short. Tomorrow will be our very first meeting as I would like to receive council on a delicate matter which has to be dealt with as soon as possible. You will be gathered by my lackeys when it's time and you will be brought to the Chamber of Choices, our fancy name for the meeting room. Clear? Yes? Good. You are dismissed. But not you uncle. We have things to discuss. A lackey will bring you to your chambers when you are ready. Go explore some. The Palaces has a lot to offer." That last is said with a sinister grin. The steward turns towards the group, bows and turns back to his king. Two lackeys lead the group back to the main chamber. The two explain that all the lackeys know where the guests are residing, so one could be asked at any time to lead them there. They themselves were also available to direct the guests to there rooms if that is what they wished.