It was a few years ago that Saran visited Argon for the first time. Before that he spend his whole life in Kumur. It looked like he would have to stay a little longer in this city. Until the king came of age, or he joined Zunit in his sky palace, since royal advisers where prone to accidents. The crowd that gathered to greed them was enormous, hundreds of people, dozens of merchants trying to sell trinkets and Saran's eyes even spotted a group of Zunit followers, lead by a monk. Argon had the biggest temple of Zunit outside of Kumur, a relatively new building but already gathering many followers. The temple was not comparable to the royal palace however. The palace was a gigantic building and it took hours to reach it. Saran spend the time in contemplation, prayer and thought. He thought about the other advisers. He did not know much about them. What kind of people might they be? What would be their goals? Saran knew his, to make the king a righteous ruler, behaving according to scripture and the will of Zunit. He also wanted to strengthen the church and Kumur in the kingdom and would look to influence the king in such ways. When the carriage finally arrived at the royal palace after the hours of travelling through the loud and obnoxious masses Saran was relieved as his carriage caught quite a few stones. A lackey opened the door and Saran was greeted by a man in fancy clothing, the uncle of the king. As the royal steward talked about the dead king, Saran did the sign of Zunit, forming a circle with his hands to show his sorrow and sadness for the loss. The dead king was well regarded in Kumur, since he did not interfere with church business and although not a direct follower of Zunit himself he once said to have read all of the holy scriptures. Directly after that they were send into the throneroom. A slender servant bumped into Saran, but he barely even noticed. Saran had not really a chance to study the other advisers when stood before the king. His first impression of the king was not the best. He seemed like a spoiled child, lacking wisdom. But perhaps the scriptures and the way of Zunit could find acceptance within him. After that Saran spend no time talking to the other advisors as he walked away to have some privacy.