Scott was awoken from his sleep by a tap on his shoulder from the stewardess. "Sir, we'll be landing in Philadelphia shortly." She said, a polite smile beaming across her face. "Okay, thank you for waking me." Scott replied, returning his own smile. He was just returning from a disaster relief conference in Sacramento. It was rare that anything worthwhile came out of these conferences, but the powers that be had to show the public that they were always working to improve their service to them, or else risk having to fight a battle with politicians to justify their budget. Scott closed his laptop lid before sliding it into the laptop bag by his side. As he was doing this the pilot's calm and confident voice came over the intercom. "This is your captain speaking. We'll soon be approaching Philadelphia International Airport, so we ask that all passengers please take their seats and fasten their seatbelts. We hope you have enjoyed your flight and we thank you for flying with Delta Airlines." The fasten seatbelts light blinked on, followed by clicking as the passengers followed their instructions. Scott stared out the window and watched as the ground crept closer, before the ground rolling past the window started to slow as the plane taxied into the airport. Grabbing his laptop bag, he exited the plane and caught a cab home. Waiting for him at the doorstep was his wife, who embraced him at the doorway. "You have a good conference honey?" She asked. "Don't I always?" Scott replied, chuckling. He set the case down next to the door and headed off to bed, his body longing for the comfort that it offered.