Akuma rushed through the Crimson Sky, feeling more alive than ever. [i][color=9e0b0f]That was such a good meal[/color][/i] he thought to himself, licking his lips with a noticeable smile across his face. He suddenly felt someone enter where he had entered, and turned around. There was a Chaser coming for him, it was like a dream come true, he hadn't drained a Chaser in such a long time that he wondered if they still tasted good. Akuma quickly summoned his horse and went out on a little trip to find a way to lure the Chaser to him, he liked to play before battling. Akuma darted through the streets until he found a gang of about 15 weak Youkai simply standing there. [i][color=9e0b0f]Perfect[/color][/i] he thought to himself as the horse burned away and he walked to the gang. There was no time to play with them since that time would be occupied with the Chaser that seemed to come for Akuma. The monster used his telekinesis to quickly send dozens of pipes flying towards the gang, stabbing them into a wall. [color=00a651]"Fuck! Please let us go, pleeeeeeeaaaaaase!!!"[/color] they screamed in their language, crying. Akuma simply got close and leaned in to deliver a swift bite into the Youkai's neck, making him more skeletal with each second that Akuma drained it. Just before it died, Akuma let it go and moved on to the next one, and the next, and so on, until they were all weak and bony-looking. Too weak to move, the Youkai all howled and screamed, pleading to be let go but Akuma didn't care. He would go to a small house, and then from there lay a trail. Each time Akuma reached a checkpoint, he would stab a Youkai into the ground with its insides squeezing through the wound. None of them spoke, but twitched and sobbed as the horse carried the remaining Youkai through their trail of torture. Akuma continued to stab each Youkai in the same manner across a path he had created that led to some street in the city. Once done, Akuma returned to the house which he had to occupy through questionable means and cleaned out the family's bodies from the house before sitting down, waiting. The trail of suffering Youkai started near the entry point to the Crimson World through which the Chaser had come, it was just a matter of him finding the trail. Akuma twitched with anticipation and began to laugh maniacally as he simply waited for the Chaser.