Scott watched as Sara walked away. He had to admit she even made the lab coat look good and Scott then shook his head to get his mind back on the conversation they shared concerning the Government Project he had been recruited for and her reaction. There were several questions he had beyond "So what do you get against this project?" Such as what was the other projects that Sara had been involved with? With her skill why wasn't she more affirmed? She had been viewed as somewhat as outsider, and Sara didn't do much discourage that persona. If she was going to say "hell no" then why else was she agreeing to meet with him and for a drink no less? Could it be that the ice queen was starting to melt? Or was it a way to get to know the soon to be Chief Surgeon? Scott shook his head and said,[B] "Lots of questions Scotty, lots of questions indeed. Might need to call Tom Selleck to figure this mystery out."[/B] Scott pushed the questions aside and did checked on his patients, and they were in more than capable hands so there was nothing to worry about there. Before he left work the word had already begun to circulate about the hospital that Nelson was retiring, and it was only a matter of when Scott was gonna be named Chief Surgeon. Scott downplayed it with modesty when asked about it saying, [B]"If it happens I'll accept it and do the best that I can. Knowing I've got a the best staff surgeons west of the Mississippi working with me to save lives, and live up to the example that Dr. Richards set for our department."[/B] Scott made his way to the parking garage and got in his black Trans-Am. He looked around and saw no one was there. Scott smiled at himself in the rear view mirror and wiggled his eyebrows. Scott bolted back to his apartment and his wheels might've touched the ground twice. He got into his apartment and closed and locked the door. Knowing he was alone Scott yelled, [B]"OH YEAH! YOU RULE KELLY SCOTT! HA HA HA HA!"[/B] Scott saw that he had over 2 hours before he had to meet Sara and decided this was the perfect chance to workout. He burned through his workout like never before and when he was done Scott was even more pumped up. After a shower he slipped on his favorite jeans, a white dress shirt, a black "Members Only" jacket, and his favorite Nikes. Grabbing his folders he said to the fish in the aquarium, [B]"Have a good one."[/B] Scott arrived at the pub and sat in his car. He looked at his watch and saw he still had 15 minutes. Scott took a couple of deep breaths and said, [B]"All right Scott. Take it easy and calm down. This ain't gonna be easy for her you already know that, so be a gentleman."[/B] With that he entered the pub and found a booth in the back. Scott figured talking about a Government Project in public was bad enough he didn't need everyone hearing about it. Scott sat in the booth and waited for Sara to arrive.