Suddenly, the door burst burst open sending splinters at the only three still in the room (James, Nickolai, and Zenia). Seven men covered in a copper colored armor holding a large battering ram stood in it's place. After getting over the brief surprise of finding two people standing their in their underwear, the men dropped the battering ram and drew swords, except for two who were wielding spears. "I speak on behalf of Voltar, leader of the Claws of Anarchy! Surrender now or you will be killed." The clattering of metal was still there but was now distant. Clearly, most of the fighting was over in this area of the castle. Which meant their was the potential for reinforcements to aid these seven men. Well, if you could even call them "men." Five of them looked like completely normal people, however one swordsman was not only very large (A good two or three inches taller than Nickolai), but also had green skin and a abnormally large lower jaw. One of the individuals holding a spear had the head of a bear and seemed to be Nickolai's height.