[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JB13zES.png[/img][/center] Electricity. Plants. Water. Fire. The elements clashed together, warring and endangering before working together to eliminate some of the threat. Fights. Alliances. Both separate, then combined as some students raced through the doors to escape the insanity breaking loose in the large room. A fight among the teachers caught the attention of many students, Zaylin’s own interest turning to them as a few stray drops of water rolled off her scales. Zaylin’s eyes narrowed as she looked between the teacher with blood dripping from her nose, to the headmistress. Though she had only heard the name of Mrs. Standiford’s daughter, the resemblance was uncanny. The headmistress and her daughter. Too calm in the presence of the missing and dead, as the voice of Amy Snow had informed Zaylin in her dying moment. Zaylin’s clawed fingers clenched into fists. They had lied to the school. To [i]her.[/i] If she heard the teachers correctly above the noise around her, then students had gone missing and turned up dead before. Regularly. And now, the disappearances and murders had increased to an even more alarming rate. Something was off with this school. She had felt it, seen the unease in the students and teachers… at least, [i]most[/i] of the teachers. And Miss Standiford’s accuser had made it quite clear she didn’t think the Standifords innocent in the whole wretched mess. Zaylin wanted answers, and answers she would get, one way or another. Emboldened by the power of the dragon, her dark stare locked on the Standifords. She unfurled her wings threateningly, and took a step forward as the headmistress spoke, directing the students to the parking lot. Her sharp teeth snapped together in a scowl as a flood of students capable of and eager to leave the gym rushed out, blocking her from the headmistress. More smoke rose from her nostrils with her irritation, her eyes shifting between the teachers and students. Many of the teenagers eyed her as they passed, and she returned a few of their stares, including one from a girl with blue-tinged skin. When Zaylin glanced back to the teachers, she growled loudly, making a couple of the passing students jump and veer further away from her. In her ushering the students out, Mrs. Standiford had vanished. How the woman had gotten past Zaylin, the girl couldn’t say. She glanced to the nearest set of doors, gauging how well she could fit through them. With an annoyed sigh, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, willing her body to shift back into her human form and hoping it would do as she wished. After a moment, she felt the tightness of the dragon receding back inside her. Her back hunched forward as her body shrunk, her scales reforming into her school uniform. She straightened as she opened her eyes, the fury of the beast still beating through her heart and senses temporarily further heightened in the aftermath of Amy’s last hurrah as well as her own transformation. Gold continued to swim in her irises as wind whipped furiously at her hair. She followed the tail end of the students out, her gait quick and determined as she hurried into the parking lot with the others, her bag forgotten on the bleachers. She scanned the crowd, searching for any sign of the headmistress. [i]There,[/i] she thought darkly as she spotted the woman. Flames involuntarily flickered to life and licked harmlessly over her fists. She shoved her way through the students gathered around the concrete parking lot, careful to not shove anyone to the ground in her fury. Her lips pulled up in a grimace when Mrs. Standiford addressed the crowd once more with arrangements for transportation with her decision of evacuation. Still a few feet away with a dozen or so bodies between her and the headmistress, the air of the hot summer day condensed around her and carried her above the heads of the other students. “So [i]now[/i] you want to evacuate the school?” she shouted, her face twisted in a snarl and words carrying on her own wind through the clamor of the other students. More flames twisted around her arms as the wind moved her to the headmistress, before Zaylin caught the eager power and let the streams of fire extinguish at her elbows. “And it only took, what, two known deaths this week?” She commanded the air to let her down gracefully in front of the headmistress. “The cat’s clawed its way out of the bag, [i]Mrs. Standiford,[/i]” she continued darkly, her voice low and threatening. “And I believe you owe all of us,” she gestured to the gathered crowd without looking from Mrs. Standiford, “an explanation.”