Ragnarok nodded grimly as the firelight flickered off his facial features. Voices started up, yelling almost. A woman's voice to be precise. He only caught a few words. "...Damnable man....lazy deadbeat...worthless son of a..." Then the sound of flesh on flesh broke the woman's voice off only for a males voice to take to the wind. " Dear....own good...lot of money..." Something inside of Ragna wanted to turn back towards the camp and confront whoever was there and another part of him wanted to do nothing more then move away from the scene they probably weren't supposed to witness. However once again he glanced down at Lydia, knowing here hearing was better then his so she probably caught more of the exchange. His crimson eyes stared down at her with his hand over hers. " Shall we take a closer look? Or should we just leave as it could be a trap...the timing is almost too perfect..."