[I]'What was that?'[/I] Mathew actually was caught by surprise, hearing something fall over. He walked along the shelves, coming to the end where he found what happened. A girl had came in and knocked over the books that were on Clark's desk. He crouched down, tilting his head slightly as he observed. [I]'Oh dear.'[/I] He watched as the girl thankfully put the books back, at least she was polite enough to fix it. Curious, Matthew watched as she began to walk through the Library, Matthew followed quietly. Which wasn't hard, considering his footsteps were silent across each shelf. He never really liked floating, he always liked to still walk. But floating had it's uses for getting him to places. He stared at the flyers she was holding, wondering what they were for. Was something interesting happening? He wanted to see, and as she put the flyers down, he wanted patiently for her to continue on, before jumping down and scurrying over to them. He picked one up, starring at the pink message. [i]'A party? How interesting... Though this flyer is an eyesore.'[/I] He complained, setting it down as to not have a floating flyer around longer than he had to. He glanced around, noticing the girl had gone up to the second floor. He floated up the stairs and onto the top of the shelves to observe, though couldn't see her book selections. He lowered himself, hanging from the shelf by his feet. Or at least he made it appear that way to himself, he was honestly still just floating. [i]'Many fine options here, I wonder what she'll pick?[/I] He smiled, though he soon heard something from the girl. He raised an eyebrow, glancing at her. [I]'What?'[/I] [B]“HATHUUUUU!”[/B] Her sneeze startled him, causing all concentration to end. He fell to the floor, his head going through but his body staying. He squirmed for a moment, before pulling his head up. He was thankful that he didn't fall to the first floor. Even if it wouldn't have hurt or done any damage. He stood up and simply stared at she excused herself for the act, confusing him. [I]'Well, it's not like she did it on purpose. How could she?'[/I] Since he was beside her now, he simply watched on as she picked out book after book, he was surprised she could carry so many. Though there was no need to, he stepped aside as she walked past him to go find a place to sit down. It was just too weird to have somebody walk through you. And being inside someone was awkward for him, as well. He stayed at the shelves, and watched as she sat down with her books, and took off her boots. She looked like she was going to spend a long time reading, this seemed to be the end of any possible fun for the moment. [I]'Blackbeard? Not what I was expecting...'[/I] He admitted to himself, as he considered his options. When he really thought about it, there wasn't anybody else around... [I]'It's rare for there to be a lone person around the library... Maybe I can use this as a chance to cure some boredom with actual conversation.'[/I] He had a small grin, that was most certainly an idea. He didn't see how it could go wrong. He slid farther back along the shelves, looking around for a book. It'd be strange to not have one, he figured. He randomly grabbed one off the shelf, not paying attention to the cover that simply read "Rabbit Production". [I]'This being visible thing is all mental, right? I want to be seen, so I will be seen? I never really tried it...'[/I] Matthew pondered on how it worked, instead just deciding to try it. If it failed, she was just one person. Nobody would probably believe her that a ghost was talking to her, right? Slowly, he walked out into view. He was rather pale, and acted surprised to see the girl. "Oh... Hello." He greeted quietly, a small smile on his face. If anything, he looked ill. It most certainly wasn't intentional, but it's not like he really bothered to check what he looked like.