[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Dominic%20Greyjoy%20-%20Gif_zpsdtk3fedr.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Elsaacute%20Driacutefta%20Bryndiacutes%20-%20Gif_zpsgn3snuiu.gif[/img] [h1][color=OliveDrab]Dominic Greyjoy[/color] and [color=MediumTurquoise]Eliza Brie[/color][/h1] [h2]Present Day - Lake Tahoe, Earth[/h2][/center] [i][b]Previously... His eye caught onto Eliza as she separated herself from the rest of them, not as quick to believe as the rest of them were...she was ever the practical one. Moving away with a hurried, "Excuse me" Dominic approached his adopted niece slowly, letting both hands fall to his pockets yet again. Not stopping until he was right beside her at the edge of the balcony, Dominic initially said nothing, doing as she was and overlooking the view. "It's a lot to take in, isn't it...?" He asked, though the phrasing of his question implied he already knew the answer to that.[/b][/i] [hr] The sound of her uncle’s soft and weary voice sounding so close to her wasn’t a surprise to her in the least. Of course he was going to try and get her to believe what he was saying- the rest of them had believed him, so why shouldn’t she, right? Shaking her head softly from side to side as she felt a light sting go through her eyes, she tightened her grip on the railing that she stood in front of. How was it that she was expected to take a leap of faith into something that was just so unbelievable..? Unlike the others in the group that all seemed to have jumped in with both feet forward, she just couldn’t… she couldn’t bring herself to open up to believe in such childish things- none of what he had said was possible… was it..? “..uncle Dom, just stop… I’m too tired to listen to what you have to say about this; and I’m too old to believe in such childish stories… You’re asking me to take a leap of faith but-… but there’s just no such thing as magic, or witches, or pixie dust, or anything like that…” Closing her eyes tightly for a few moments as though she were holding herself back from saying something she knew she was going to regret, she once more shook her head, her arms shaking lightly as she eventually loosened the grip that she had over the railing, her hand coming up to lightly brush at the corners of her eyes in an attempt to rid herself of any tears that were forming before they could fall and help to ruin her makeup. She was no Princess; she was just herself… and honestly, now she wasn’t even sure about whether she knew who that was anymore... “I’m trying… but, it’s so hard to believe what you’re saying- I just can’t see what it is that they see…” Dominic kept a small smile, despite the skepticism in her tone and words. "You're very much like your father, you know. Practical, realistic, inquisitive. Those are good traits, solid. But for just one moment, I want you to forget being practical, being realistic, open your eyes if only for a split-second and simply flirt with the notion that maybe, just maybe...there's a whole other world, a whole other life outside this one. If you let skepticism and disbelief rule your life, Eliza, then you'll never be able to rise up to your full potential." Dominic finished on an optimistic note, clasping his hands together over the rail as he once more turned to look out across the horizon. “Dreaming is what my sister does… not me.” Sighing softly, she fell silent for a few moments before she dropped her hand back down to the railing and once more lifted her gaze up to the mountain in front of them both. He wanted her to open her eyes… to try and entertain the possibility for even a moment- she could do that; or at least she could [i]try[/i] and do that. Taking a few more minutes to herself so that she could collect her thoughts, she eventually turned her body so that she was facing him completely, her hip resting softly up against the railing as she tilted her head ever so slightly so that she could try and see any doubt or any sign that he was joking within his eyes, “..okay, fine, I’ll humor you just this once…” Pausing for a brief moment as she turned her head to glance over at what was left of the group lingering upon the other side of the balcony, she took a deep breath as though readying herself for what she was about to hear and turned her attention completely back to her uncle, “..so there’s a whole ‘nother world, that’s full of magic and other childish wonders- and we were all sent here to Earth from that world to keep us safe because some witch went on a massive power trip and wanted to take over the entire world… okay, for this little exercise's sake, I’m with you so far… But really, me? I’m meant to be a Royal Princess..? If that’s true, then everything that I’ve known up till now is a complete and utter lie… Uncle, if that’s true... then who am I..?” "When you came here, to this land, with your sister, you were given a new name. The only knowledge of your heritage is that you and Annalise were found alone in the snow. Your sister had almost contracted hypothermia by the time your father found you, yet you were perfectly healthy - content, even. However, the life you lived here, Eliza Brie, was hardly a lie. Your experiences and memories are real - sincere. But there is much more to you, who you are. Where we come from, [i]home[/i], you are called Elsa, future queen of Arendelle. And I'm sure you can quite easily guess who your sister would be." Dominic finished sounding slightly amused, yet optimistic at the same time. Her piqued curiosity and interest were all signs that she was opening up, if only a fraction. “Elsa..? Arendelle..? You telling me that back ho-… that in this magical place we’re meant to be from, that I’m meant to be the snow Queen from that Disney movie ‘Frozen’..? I mean, yeah okay… I see some similarities; we both love snow, and well, the cold doesn’t really bother me as much as it bothers everyone else that I know-…” Her sentence trailed off lightly as she seemed to freeze where she stood upon the balcony, her mind only seeming to catch up with what it was that he had said to her about who she was supposed to be- Queen… future Queen of Arendelle… She could barely control her sister when their father was away on his business trips; how was it she was suddenly expected to rule over an entire Kingdom that she hadn’t ever been to, let alone wasn’t even sure existed. “..wait, future Queen..? As in-… You mean with the whole sitting on a throne, ruling over a Kingdom, looking after a lot more than just one or two people..? I’m sorry, that’s not me- you have the wrong girl, uncle Dom…” "You underestimate yourself." Dominic replied simply, a somewhat stern edge to his voice but not unkindly. "Eliza, royalty is in your blood - I've seen it here, at the lodge. And you won't be alone. The Sorcerer and I both will be there to guide you every step of the way. You're young, yes, and inexperienced -- but not alone. Arendelle needs its Queen, and that's you. As daunting as it may seem." Dominic clasped a single gentle hand on her shoulder, offering a small, warm smile. “..you really think that I’m that special, don’t you…” The words were soft as they slipped through her lips, though just by staring back into her uncle’s eyes, she already knew what his answer was going to be on the matter: yes. He did believe her to be completely capable of everything that they were both discussing with one another… of putting faith into everything that he was saying to her… of believing in not only everything that she had heard, but also believing in herself… of becoming the very Queen that he seemed to think her capable of being… It was daunting, that’s for sure. Tearing her gaze away from his own as she dropped her head, she focused her attention instead on both of her hands which had at some point pressed up against her stomach, her brilliant ice-blue eyes watching on as her fingers nervously played with not only one another, but also with the beautiful blue material that made up her dress- she was still unsure; it was clear in her features. The others had all been so willing to believe… and as much as she wanted to, there was just something seeming to hold her back from letting herself go completely, “..if I’m supposed to be Queen, what’ll happen to Anna..? And then-… then do you know what supposedly happened to our parents..? I mean, our real parents, not our adopted father…” "Your sister is royalty, like you, but being the younger sibling she will not inherit the throne." Dominic explained, adopting a more scholarly tone that he had gained through the thirteen years of experience working at a museum. As Eliza approached the subject of her parents, Dominic gave pause for a moment. "Your parents ensured that you and your sister were safe with us but...we lost contact with them after a dangerous ship crash in the midst of a terrible storm. I do not know if they are still alive or not." Dominic explained cautiously, clearing his throat. "However...they left you gifts, mementos to remember them by." Dominc quickly shifted gears, moving over to the envelopes gathered near the folder, finding one that looked no different from the rest aside from an elaborate wax seal. Carefully opening the envelope, Dominic procured two items from it. A single, delicate tiara fit with gems that made it glint in the moonlight, and a pair of elbow-length gloves, made of the finest silk and colored the most brilliant shade of blue, decorated with simple dark blue patterns along its length. Approaching Eliza once more, Dominic held out the items for her to take, a look of nostalgia across his features. She couldn’t help the way that her soft pink lips parted at the very sight of the items that were lain out in the palms of his hands, her own hesitating against her stomach for a few moments before she slowly reached out towards him with her right hand, her finger tips lightly brushing over the delicate metal of the tiara causing a small but sad sort of smile to cross over her features as she continued to look it over- the gentle light from the moon above them lightly dancing over the gems causing them to shine ever so beautifully, the very sight of it reflected within her eyes as they seemed to gloss over with tears that once again seemed intent on forming. She knew this tiara… she could feel it deep in her heart; it had belonged to her mother. Pulling her hand back from the tiara as though in fear that it was going to break into a million pieces or disappear completely if she wasn’t careful, she slowly turned her attention down to the beautiful pair of elbow-length gloves that he held in his other hand; the young woman hesitating for only a second before she reached out to take them from him, the feeling of the silk brushing upon her skin so familiar to her… Lifting her gaze to meet with his as though she was looking for some kind of encouragement that it was okay before she dropped her eyes back down to the gloves, pausing for what felt like a lifetime before she took a deep breath and slowly began to pull them onto her arms one by one, “..conceal; don’t feel…” "These have waited many years for you to see, Eliza." Dominic said simply, believing there was little else [i]to[/i] say at this moment. "Will you return home?" He finally asked after pausing for a few moments, letting his free hand move to his pocket while the other still held onto the tiara as though it were a delicate artifact that would shatter if even the wind blew a certain way. Lifting her newly gloved hands up ever so slightly so that they were instead hovering in front of her at around chest height, she continued to stare at the gloves, seemingly mesmerized as her eyes lightly followed the strange but still beautiful patterns that were embroidered upon the material- the small floral images from her home causing her lips to turn up further than before, causing her smile to get bigger than it already had been. Though she was still skeptical in some senses, she knew in her heart that he was right… the lodge may be where she lived, but it just wasn’t her home… Lowering her hands back down so that they were once more resting together against the front of her dress, her head nodding softly as she returned her gaze back to meet with that of her uncles, “..yes; I-... I wanna go home…” With a wide smile, Dominic took another step closer, holding the tiara with both hands he reached out, placing it gently on top of her head. "Then we will." He said simply, for there were no more words needed.