Already, even though they were only halfway through the program, Squad Sigma was being deployed for a mission - one of utmost importance, it seemed. The Cruxi were attacking another planet, but the catch was that there were one of two major colonies that the Cruxi could attack first; therefore, Sigma would have to split into two strategic groups to defend both areas. And then there was the matter of their new weapon, Mist, a giant orb that emitted pilot-destroying radiation at medium range. Supporting it was a large unit of Cruxi mechs, mostly the regular type, it seemed. It was notable that Mist could harm friend and foe alike, but it was a reasonable guess that it wouldn't be fired if there was a majority of their units at risk for it. But then again, these Cruxi were a very unpredictable race... who knew what they would sacrifice just to win a battle? Lora's hand went up. Allowing Krista to take her question regarding the weapon's weaknesses, Lora added upon her first question, [color=lightblue]"Yes, could you go into detail about Mist's firing systems? In what situations does it fire? Is there any sort of warning to when it fires? How exactly is this radiation wave used?"[/color] If the squad knew more about how Mist worked, they could find some way to work around or exploit the weapon's firing systems to avoid risk. Meanwhile, Lora was beginning to map out where each team member would be applied to...