[center][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Jafar.gif[/img][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Freya.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=Red]Jafar Sholeh[/color] and [color=DarkOrchid]Freya Beauchamp[/color] - Present Day - The Moors Castle[/h1][/center] The stars had long since appeared in the sky, but it wasn't until the moon was hanging straight above that Jafar returned to the Moors, needing an ample amount of time to think to himself in preparation. By far, this was the most terrifying thing he had ever done not just for the content thereof, but for anticipating Freya's reaction. Her mood was... unpredictable at best, it didn't matter what the subject matter or situation was; always keeping others on their toes, terrified to step on hers. During his time in Agrabah, he had scrubbed himself clean three times over, shaved the scruff on his chin and neck, leaving only a clean, defining line of his goatee that circled around his lips and chin all the way up the strong line of his jaw and applied a generous amount of cologne; a rather unique, spicy blend that Freya often remarked about smelling like cinnamon and nutmeg, combined with his natural scent of parchment and earthy smoke. He had undergone a change of clothes too, doing away with the dark blue kurta and red turban for something more appropriate for the occasion. He swapped out his black doti for a light [url=http://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r598/Obsoletepixels/aks_dhoti_full_length.jpg]golden pair[/url], the [url=http://www.images99.com/i99/02/61994/61994.jpg]kurta[/url] now a dark brown with patterned gold spots that resembled scales similar to that of a cobra, the lining an even more prominent gold that stood out against the other fabric. Completing his wardrobe change was a matching turban, though more ceremonial in style with crested beads and jewels along the center and over the top of the brown and gold fabric. Matching beads in the style of three necklaces in varying lengths rested on the open v-neck of his chest, overall giving him a very regal appearance; fitting for that of the Sultan of Agrabah. Walking through her castle, it was clear that Freya hadn't returned from The Pride Lands just yet, as he could not sense her presence. There was always that tickle of magic pulling on the back of his mind when she was near him, able to pick up on her magical capabilities with his own, though very faint. But now he felt nothing but his own magic. That was just as well. Under more normal circumstances, Jafar would have found himself feeling somewhat anxious that she had spent so much time in The Pride Lands and would have sought her out, but any extra moment he had now he would take. Besides, he knew more than most that she could take care of herself. He ascended the multiple spiral staircases and maneuvered through the winding stone halls, thanking Allah that he didn't even so much as get a glimpse of that blonde-haired, doe-eyed brat Freya had taken some strange shine to for all these years. Running into Aurora would be the absolute last wind on his already fraying string before he snapped. Finally, after navigating the massive castle by the sheer memory he had gained from the last thirteen years of popping between Agrabah and The Moors, he came to the door that would lead him into the bed chambers that he had been able to call his own for a number of years now; always the toy of The Dark Queen but now... for the first time... the lover to Freya Beauchamp. Running his hand down the hard wood of the door, thinking back over the last thirteen years in his mind with a content, audible sigh, Jafar eased the door open and allowed himself inside. Just as he already knew, Freya was no where to be seen, or even felt. Stepping inside the room and shutting the door behind him, Jafar discarded his staff on one of the settees in the center of the room (a usual place for him to keep it while in Freya's chambers) and made his way out onto the balcony. Immediately, Jafar was greeted with a fresh breeze of the cool night air, helping to still his nerves as he continued to walk out until he reached the railing. Resting each forearm on the railing of the balcony, he clasped his hands together out in front of him, bending at his back a bit and overlooked the kingdom that spread out as far as the ocean some leagues away. Here he could wait in peace. Here, he could feel brave. The large plume of purple smoke billowed out around her feet, lingering for only a few moments before finally it began to dissipate, her bare feet creating soft thuds against the floors as the woman allowed herself to be carried through the corridors of her castle, and down the familiar path that led to her private bedchambers. It had been a long day- her time in the Pride Lands, while tiring, had been extremely productive and beneficial for both herself and the Lion King. Scar had gotten what it was that he wanted, and more- his precious little swan was once again walking around as his beautiful Princess, the Gypsy had been healed and was once again flawless, and as a bonus he now had a way of dealing out punishments without the repercussions of leaving marks upon those who defied against his word… Reaching out as she grew closer to the door, she placed her hand lightly upon the polished wood of the door that separated her from the pure relaxation of her chambers, her weight shifting slightly as she pressed her body against it, pushing it open only just enough so that she was able to slip her body through the gap before letting it come to a close behind her. She felt him the moment that she had returned to the castle, though the soft glint of his golden staff caught a hold of her attention, causing her to turn her head and her gaze to linger upon the serpent like staff that she could see laying upon the settee, resting in among the cushions and confirming her thoughts that there indeed was no need for her to call upon Jafar- he was already there, lurking within the room that the two of them shared, waiting until she was ready to grace him with her presence. To say that she was hesitant was a far understatement- the last time they had spoken… it hadn’t ended on quite good terms… Closing her eyes as she took a moment to herself, she lifted her head up slightly higher as her feet once more began to move forward, carrying her through the room before she paused in front of the unbroken mirror that she had hanging on the wall, her head turning so that she could quickly glance over her appearance, being sure that [url=http://38.media.tumblr.com/efaa0bc576bc4917586b8126b6a1e274/tumblr_n87wlf2y2d1teys98o1_1280.jpg]her attire[/url] was to her liking before she did anything else. It was the same thing that she had worn to the feast earlier on in The Pride Lands- the material, though loose around her body, showing off and accentuating her each and every curve; and leaving not much more to the imagination, though what needed to be, was indeed covered from the eyes of those who were unwanted. Pleased with what it was that she was looking at within the mirror, she finally tore her gaze away from her own reflection and back to the lightly fluttering curtain that kept the room separated from the balcony beyond, lifting her hand up as she closed the gap, she lightly brushed aside the material so that she could pass through it and out into the cool night air where she had guessed that he was indeed waiting for her- the sight of him leaning over the railing staring out at the Kingdom below causing her soft pink lips to part slightly, and her heart to skip a beat within her chest, “You have returned earlier than I had anticipated… I did not think you would be back in the Moors until I had summoned, and called for you to join me Jafar…” Hearing her voice carry the small distance between the opening of the balcony to him, Jafar kept his gaze forward, feeling his heart lodging itself in his throat rendering him unable to reply even if he wanted to, though a very small portion of him was relieved that she had finally returned, sounding somewhat less agitated than she had been with him that morning. The other part of him, however, was wondering why she had arrived back to the castle so early, despite his earlier qualms with her being in The Pride Lands for far too long. He wasn't ready for this, he needed more time... and he couldn't move. It didn't matter how calm she sounded now. Just like a viper, she could strike at any moment without any prior warning, able to catch even him off guard - and he knew a thing or two about snakes. She hesitated a moment before she moved forward and over the balcony so that she could look out over the Kingdom that was lain out before them- he hadn’t replied to her… hadn’t given her any sign that he had even heard what it was that she had said; and that right there made her nervous, perhaps he was a lot angrier with her than she had first believed him to be. Lifting her hands up from her side as she shifted her body slightly, she placed them lightly upon the railing that was in front of her while she relaxed her posture, doing her best to keep her cool and calm composure from cracking and showing the nerves that were coursing through her body- her thoughts however, were still quite focused on their last encounter, knowing that the behavior shown from the both of them was bound to be brought up at one point or another; especially if he was still angry at her for it. “Am I to get the impression that you shall be joining me through the night..? Or shall you be returning to Agrabah once you have said all it is that you wish to say to me…" Jafar managed a small amount of movement in his eyes to look over and up at Freya after feeling her coming to join him at his side. His neck then seemed to be able to follow suit, inclining his head as his eyes now were able to take in what it was that she was wearing. He hadn't ever seen this dress before, the style was a bit different than that of the Moors and definitely not that of Agrabah, though at the same time it held quite a bit of modesty... for The Pride Lands at least. He appreciated the way it looked on her, however, pushing his questions as to where she had got it in the first place to the side as he allowed himself another few moments to drink in her beauty; something he always knew she had even from the beginning thirteen years ago. And it all belonged to him. That thought alone had his blood thawing and his body able to move just a bit better, his mind finally able to take into account what she had been saying to him, realizing immediately what she must have thought of him right then for not answering her the first time. "If you'll have me, I will stay." he told her gently, defaulting back to the way Jafar the toy and ever-loyal-servant would have spoken with her. She could hear it in the way that he was speaking to her- his tone of voice, his choice of words… it was like their relationship had been set back once again, and she knew that it was because of her own stubbornness; whatever it was she got now, she deserved it. Lifting her head up slowly so that she was gazing up from the land to the sky that spanned out above them, she let her beautiful dark brown eyes flick back and forth for a few moments of silence, taking in their gentle twinkling as well as the soft moonlight that filled the area around them both, her hand slowly though surely sliding over the top of the railing, her fingers brushing lightly over the stone before she brought her movements to a stop, her hand coming to a rest closer towards him rather than in front of her like it had been moments beforehand. “..I wish for you to stay by my side always Jafar- is that such a wrong thing for me to ask of you? Too selfish of me to want the world, and some small glint of happiness as well..?” He felt a slight chuckle coming up from his chest, but his heart wasn't in it to let it come through as even a simple sound. The world and a bit of happiness? It would seem that if one was owned, the other would follow, but in Freya's case... hell in nearly everyone he knew who owned a small portion of the world's case, that wasn't so. They were always wanting for [i]something[/i] that would bring them happiness in one way or another. For Freya it was his company on top of power, for him over the last thirteen years, ever since the death of his wife and child, it had just been power. But hearing Freya speak so candidly of what it was that she wanted had him thinking, realizing quickly that his actions he would set into motion in just a few moments aligned his true desires with that of Freya's almost exactly. Turning his torso slightly to face her, moving one arm off of the railing a bit but keeping himself propped up with his elbow with the other, Jafar laced his fingers back together and looked upon her fully, his head tilting to the side a bit, completing the slight arc of his body as he leaned against the balcony railing. "Your efforts in The Pride Lands rendered you unhappy then?" Jafar asked, though saying it more as a statement than a question, his dark brown eyes looking over her attire once more before resting his eyes back on hers again. “I would not necessarily say that my time within The Pride Lands rendered me unhappy- quite the contrary actually… my visit proved to be quite beneficial for both parties; Scar got what it was he desired and more, and in return, I got what it was that I sought.” Turning her head ever so slightly so that her gaze dropped down from the heavens before focusing on his figure, she took a few moments to take in (for the first time) all that she could of his attire and general appearance before she allowed her eyes to finally meet with his own- the man looking more like the Sultan of Agrabah now and in this moment, than she had ever seen him be in the years that had passed them both by. It made her heart soar in her chest, though she did all that she could to keep it from showing over her features. Curling her fingers slightly on the railing after a few moments of her open invitation for him to take her hand, she slowly and reluctantly took it back over the stone and back in front of her body once more, putting just a small amount of distance back between the two of them as she turned her head away from him, her shoulders hunching over slightly as she felt her heart sinking slightly within her chest, “..though I will not lie to you- there are other places in which I would have been so much happier to be…” Looking down as movement caught his eye, Jafar watched as Freya pulled her hand back to her, once again realizing that his thoughts had been detouring his mind - he hadn't even been able to pick up on the small gesture of physical contact she was extending out to him... and now it was too late. He closed his eyes for a moment, keeping himself from sighing knowing that if he did, Freya would have questions... and he didn't exactly have the answers. It hurt him knowing that he was continuing to disappoint her. If only she knew... his mind was far from easy. Perhaps he had been able to pull off his practiced face of normalcy [i]too[/i] well... it wasn't exactly helping him right now. She couldn’t continue on like this for much longer; there was something going on- there was something [i]wrong[/i] between them… and if that mornings events had anything to do with what was going on between the two of them now, she knew that this was more her fault than it was that of his. Keeping her attention away from him and instead focused out to the far side of the Kingdom, she took a few moments of silence so that she could once more relax herself, and gather her thoughts before she continued on with the conversation they seemed to be trying to have. She didn’t want to end up in another fight- it had been a long day, she wanted to relax, but more importantly than that was the fact that she wanted to relax with him… to lay wrapped up so lovingly in his arms like she had the night before- Gods, she could dream… “..would I be correct to assume that you were able to fulfill all that you needed to get done while in Agrabah today..?” Nodding slightly, to her question, unable to create much more of an answer than that, Jafar's mind once more began to wander. He needed to do this now before he pulled himself away from her entirely. He could feel the strain he was putting between them, and somehow, by the grace of Allah, she was trying to fix it where he was rendered useless. His mind was a blur, trying to grasp onto anything that might help him get done what he needed to, to push him in the right direction. Then he focused in on what she had actually said to him, the matter of what he needed to get done in Agrabah bringing him back to the sole purpose of why he was there. And though it wasn't what he obtained in Agrabah, per say, that had him standing there being quite unlike himself, it was her belief of his being there today that was the main point. And that's when it clicked - he knew now what he needed to do to be able to pull this off. Jafar nodded his head again, seeming to have a new, confident air about him as he turned once more to face her, standing up straight to his full height but keeping a hand on the railing. "Have I ever told you the old Agrabah legend of Crenshinibon?" he asked, somewhat randomly, choosing to ignore her question verbally in favor of one of his own. “I-… I beg your pardon; what..?” Furrowing her brows heavily in her own pure confusion towards what it was that he had said to her, she turned her head so that she was once more looking over at where he was, her dark brown eyes raising from his chest to meet with his eyes as she tried to figure out just what he was trying to do by so suddenly changing the topic of their conversation in the manner that he had. She was beyond confused, not even bothering to hide that simple fact from him at all as she searched his eyes for clues as to why he was so suddenly asking her about a legend from his home- though she wasn’t about to deny the fact that she was even the slightest bit curious about it and just what he was trying to get at. “I… do not believe that you have mentioned such a fable to me before- please, will you tell me about this legend..?” Unable to help the small flicker of a smile at Freya's confusion, taking pride in the fact that he was probably the only person able to catch her so off guard in all the realms, Jafar kept the corners of his lips turned upward as he opted to just look upon her face before finally answering her, the story-teller part of him coming out as well as the natural brogue of his accent. "Crenshinibon is a sentient artifact; a crystal shard which draws magical energy from the light of the sun. It is rumored to be evil in nature, the stone itself desires a powerful wielder it can manipulate and control and will willingly abandon him or her for a more capable 'master'. It is also told, however, that the stone greatly enhances the inherent powers of it's wielder and can summon other beings of evil intent to create an army of conquest. The wielder of the shard can create an enormous crystalline tower, sort of an exact duplicate of the shard that has been magically expanded in size and impenetrable to external attacks. It is said that Crenshinibon tempts and controls the greedy and deceptive with promises of power and wealth." Turning her body so that she was facing him as she listened to the tale that he was telling her, she let her hands slip from the stone railing before eventually coming together in front of her body, her hip resting ever so lightly against the railing as she made herself comfortable, her features seeming to light up with both her amusement and interest in the story that he was weaving to her, “It seems as though this… crystal, is the darker equivalent to that mentioned within the legend that tells of the lost city of Atlantis… however, legend or not- please tell me more…” "Crenshinibon was created by seven different liches as an artifact of ultimate power that absorbed it's own creators upon completion. Legend has it, many millennia ago, the Sultan of Agrabah used this stone as a tool, attempting to use the stone's powers to enforce a peaceful existence with his many warlike neighbors by creating a defensive line of crystalline towers between the major cities. These towers, however, overstretched the powers of Crenshinibon and were destroyed by a sandstorm which preceded an invasion by one of the neighboring cities. Agrabah was overrun and the Sultan executed with Crenshinibon absorbing a small fraction of his spirit. This is what caused Crenshinibon to change, giving it the drive to attain and hold ultimate power at any cost... "Since then, the stone has been passed down from owner to owner, each trying to attain it's powers for themselves but none able to control it, driven into madness or blood-lust. Even more than those who wanted to control it strived to destroy it, though they lost more than their lives as the stone proved to be, truly, indestructible. "Finally, a demon by the name of Errtu who was a descendant of the servant of the seven liches who created Crenshinibon, cast himself into an abyss and he, along with Crenshinibon, were both destroyed at long last." Tilting her head ever so slightly as she continued to listen silently to the wondrous tale that he was spinning her, she quirked her eyebrow slightly out of curiosity, her eyes continuing to search his own for some reason, [i]any[/i] reason as to why it was that he was bringing this up with her right here and now- it wasn’t that she minded the change in topic, it had the both of them talking again, as though the events of that morning hadn’t ever happened… however the thought that such a rare and powerful artifact, legend or not, had been lost in such a manner had her frowning slightly, her head turning so that she could once again look out at the Kingdom that spanned out in front of them both. “If I am to be truly honest with you Jafar; I find it really to be such a shame- that something as magnificent as the crystal was lost to the world in the manner of which it was, all thanks to the hands and stupidity of one who was so unworthy of wielding such power…” She paused for a moment as she allowed her thoughts to settle in her mind before she even thought about speaking again, her hand lifting up from her side so that she could gently brush away some of her long dark waves back off of her face, a small though unmistakable smile playing lightly over her lips as she shook her head lightly from side to side, “But as you have stated, such things are mere legends; nothing more than stories that parents spin in order to fuel a child’s imagination… So please- what is the point of such tales tonight..? Other than to help the both of us relax within each others company of course…” "A relic before it's time, I'm afraid, with no one capable of controlling it." Jafar agreed, nodding his head only slightly though his eyes remained on her despite Freya looking away from him. Quietly, he pushed himself away from the edge of the balcony and took a few steps towards Freya, stopping when their bodies were just a hairs breadth away. He lifted his arm, having his hand take hold of hers before she could rest it back to her side and used his opposite hand to brush her hair back for her. "I'd like to see... at least one more wielder... try their hand with Crenshinibon..." He stated simply, his eyes looking into hers in a way that told her that there was more to what he was saying than he was letting on. “Jafar… I do not understand what you are talking about- you stated yourself that such a thing was nothing more than a mere legend; so how are you to wish to see another try their hand at taming it one last time?” He wanted to see another try their hand at wielding such power... She was far beyond confused, not even bothering to hide it from her features as she turned her head, first allowing her dark brown eyes to linger for a moment on the hand that has a firm though loving grip upon her own, before she tore her gaze away, lifting it up until it had met once again with his own- her heart seeming to quicken its pace within her chest the moment that she had. “If what you are saying has more substance to it- if this truly is more than just a fable or myth; then this crystal is lost to the world, and all those within it… Please, help me to understand what you mean…” Jafar's smile returned some, dropping his hand from brushing her hair back to rest it on her hip, his opposite hand letting go of hers to take it's position on the other side, pulling her hips closer into him. "Wishful thinking, perhaps. Spent a bit of time in the Agrabah's Palace Library this afternoon." he replied, Freya seemingly finally being able to tie together what and why it was that he had brought up the stones origin to begin with. "But cultural legends weren't the only thing that kept me apart from you today, and to answer your prior question, yes, I have fulfilled what I needed to get done. But it wasn't in Agrabah..." Pressing his neck forward a bit, Jafar planted a gentle kiss on the crest of her prominent cheekbone just under the corner of her eye, his thumbs moving up and down on her waist lightly. She couldn’t help the way that her smile grew considerably as she felt his hands take up their normal position upon her hips, her eyes fluttering closed and her head turning ever so slightly as she felt his lips pressing lightly against her cheekbone, the simple action causing them to take on a gentle red tinge in color as she lifted both her hands up, resting them against her chest as she took a single step closer to him, allowing their bodies to brush closer against one another, “..wishful thinking has never been something that could cause harm, nor has it never not managed to surprise me. I used to dream of somehow tumbling into and through the pages of the stories in which I used to read- and then one day… it just seemed to happen…” Shaking her head lightly from side to side as memories of her first few days within the Fairy Tale World filled her mind, she lifted her hand up from his chest before she reached out to gently rest her palm against his cheek, her thumb softly brushing back and forth over the skin as she caressed it for a few moments before once again dropping it back down to where it had been resting beforehand, “..I found myself here within this world- with a new life, and the chance to get all that I desired… I am glad that you got done all that you needed to do; it just means that we will be able to spend the night together with no regrets to our actions throughout the day…” "Freya..." Jafar paused to move one hand up from her waist to once more take hold of her hand, bringing it up to his lips where he kissed her soft knuckles, though he kept his eyes on hers. "you have entrusted me with the most sacred parts of who you are. You have given me your true name, where you came from... you gave me your full trust. It only felt right to reciprocate the gesture and entrust you with something of mine equally as important to me..." Letting go of her hand, Jafar looked down at the silk belt he used to keep his kurta together and moved his hand to pluck something from the hidden pocket on the underside, procuring a small object. He brought his hand back up, holding the object between the two of them at eye level so Freya could see what it was that he was holding. There, pinched delicately between his thumb and forefinger was a golden [url=http://cdn-s3-0.wanelo.com/product/image/1354429/x354.jpg]ring[/url]. Decorated along the side of one band as well as on the center was a series of what looked like diamonds, but even under the pale moonlight that lit up the balcony one could see that the stones held an abnormal sheen of a glowing blue color that seemed to be pulsing - breathing, giving away that these were no ordinary diamonds if that was what they even were. Letting her eyes settle on just what it was he was showing her for just a moment, Jafar took a single step back and dropped to a knee, still holding the ring up and out to her, his eyes never leaving hers despite his heart hammering in his chest and his every sense telling him to stop and run. Raising up his free hand, Jafar removed the fanciful turban from his head, placing it on the ground next to his bent knee allowing his dark curls to fall down to their proper length just above his shoulders and bowed his head downwards slightly, a gesture of both respect and humility towards her. "Freya Beauchamp... Maleficent, Lady Morgana, Queen of [i]all[/i] the land...I wish to entrust you with my heart, fully and completely. It is only a small fraction of what it is you have given me, but it is a start and I hope to spend the rest of our lives finding ways to make up the rest." he stated firmly, his accent coming out thick showing just how truly nervous he really was. He bent his neck back up, meeting her gaze once more. "Will you marry me?" She was confused- beyond confused; though this time it wasn’t because of a quick change of topic, but instead due to his words, and the actions that seemed to go along with them. Remaining silent as she tore her gaze away from his so that she could instead follow his hand, she tilted her head ever so slightly as she continued to watch his movements, her body once again straightening itself as he brought his hand back up though this time in between the two of them so that she could see just what it was that he held in his hand- the soft glint of gold perched ever so delicately between his fingers causing her heart to jump up and into her throat, her cheeks taking on a bright red tinge to them as she finally managed to catch on to what it was that was going on in this very moment… He was proposing to her- how had she not seen it sooner? The way that he had been acting, the way he had been speaking; he wasn’t himself, and now it was all beginning to make sense... Bringing her left hand back into her body so that it was resting softly against her stomach while her right hand lifted up to her lips, the tips of her fingers brushing lightly over them in her own shock as she watched him take a step back before lowering himself down onto one knee before her. She didn’t know what to say- she could barely even move an inch in this moment… The Sultan had well and truly managed to throw her completely into uncharted territories with his proposal, and all she could do was try and will herself to speak- to give him a response to his question, “Jafar, I-…” Her breath had been caught in her throat- her voice lost to her completely… She had kept him waiting for long enough; [i]too[/i] long in fact, for the answer that she wanted to give him… Closing her eyes for a moment as she slid her hand down from her mouth before letting it come to a rest over the nape of her neck, she took a few moments to herself so that she could try to calm her heart as she softly nodded her head, slowly at first before she soon began to pick up the pace with her enthusiasm, finally finding her voice once again. “..Yes! Yes of course I will marry you..!” Frozen in place, beginning to hear a light buzz in the air as his pulse pounded something fierce in his ears waiting for a reply, her sudden acceptance had Jafar merely blinking in rapid succession, surprise written all across his dark features as his lips parted, trying to process what had just happened. Forgetting for a moment of what to do, he remained in his position, a sound that almost sounded like a laugh starting up in his throat until finally he managed to get out what it was that he had intended. Relief. Pure, exasperated relief in the most joyous of ways. Pushing himself up back onto both feet, leaving his turban on the balcony floor, Jafar once more closed the distance between them and taking her hand in his, used his other hand to place the ring on the proper finger. His own hand was shaking slightly, and it took a bit of effort and concentration on his part, but the ring eventually eased onto her ring finger and slid back to it's new home, wrapping snugly around her flesh as though it had been custom made for her... which wasn't a far stretch from the truth. "Freya... I..." Jafar stopped to shake his head slightly, dropping his gaze from her eyes to look down at the small space between them, at a complete loss for words and actions, he felt more vulnerable now than he ever had in his entire life put together. It was as though her heart couldn’t seem to make up its mind- freezing completely one moment, only to then beat quickly the next, but she didn’t care… this was the without a doubt one of, if not the happiest moments of her entire life; she wasn’t about to let a small detail such as her heart beating wildly within her chest, to distract her from the man standing in front of her. Doing her best to keep her excitement within her control as she watched him slip the ring onto her left hand where it would forever stay, from that moment onward- the very thought of it caused her heart to leap within her chest and her the already bright blush to glow even brighter than before. Reaching out with her right hand so that she was gently cupping her fingers under his chin, she tilted her head ever so slightly as she guided his own up softly, the corners of her eyes sparkling slightly with the tears that she hadn’t even realized had been forming. “..Jafar, I love you…” Dropping her right hand down from his chin to rest softly upon his side the moment that the words left her lips, she took a step closer so that she could close the gap that had been left between them, her eyes fluttering closed as she leant in, her soft pink lips at first pressing lightly against his before she began to put more passion and pressure behind them, her feet taking her a single step closer against him as she slid her left hand up and over his shoulder, her fingers (now adorned with the beautiful engagement ring that he had presented her) curling slightly as she cupped the back of his neck, keeping the both of them as close to one another as she possibly could. Jafar's eyes widened for a moment as he felt her lips being pressed to his, her words of endearment (even though they had been spoken before) shooting his heart back up into his throat rendering him unable to do anything save for stand there like a fool for a few moments until finally his heart relaxed (slowly) back into his chest and he was able to return her kiss. He reaffirmed his hold on her hips, pulling her back into him and meeting her passion with his own before easing his hands around her and scooping her up and off of her feet, holding her body into his chest with his arms. Pulling his lips away from hers for a moment, he inclined his head up a fraction to once more kiss her cheek, next to her ear, the tip of his nose brushing up against her temple as he exhaled a soft breath. "And I love you too..."