Angpetu sighed as she stood there staring at the bush and underbrush that had moved somewhat. She knew someone was hiding but perhaps they were too scared by what they had seen to feel safe to come out right then. She wasn't going to stand there all night waiting for an answer nor did she had the desire to pull someone out kicking and screaming. She had wounds that needed stitching and from looking at the group that was near her, a lot of explaining to do. Shaking her head she shrugged slightly. "Alright, well I will be in my room if you ever decide to get up out of the dirt," she said before glancing over towards the man that had come up to her asking if she was speaking to him. "Nope, speaking to the bush apparently. Maybe it will catch on fire," she said before glancing back towards Twain, who after his words she assumed was a doctor of some sorts. "Yeah, grab your bag or what ever you need and find me in my room if you are a doctor, I could use some stitches," she remarked before looking back at Cyrus and the new comers. "Right, you two probably have questions. Someone grab a bottle from the bar and meet me in my room. I'll explain," she said before walking off towards the saloon. Nights like this always left her wanting a drink and a good nights sleep. Sleep wasn't going to come until she did some explaining but the drink could come rather quickly. Walking back to the town proper she pushed through the people that were standing around talking about what had happened in the street itself and the Sheriff walking off to get drunk; it was something he normally didn't do. Stepping into the saloon she spotted the Sheriff in a corner, drinking straight out of the bottle. "Good thing he didn't see what was actually out there, man couldn't handle it," she muttered to herself before making her way to her room on the second floor and sitting down in a chair in the corner; placing her back to the wall and giving her clear few of anyone that decided to follow her in.