[quote=@duck55223] Anything above a fighter in size counts towards the ship coubt unless its a unarmed You haven't changed my mind on on ground units having no antimatter. As for the hundreds of civilizations. Hundreds imply well over a 100 which is not what I want. There is still a high number, in the 60s, but the other is to high to handle. [/quote]You may want to read my post again. Not as if I'd be set to start an argument here but I feel you only skimmed through my post. An what counts as a fighter? I mean on low end we have the tiny TIE Fighters from SW that are 6-10m in dimensions while there's the Fury starfighter from W40k which is 70 whole meters long. Many of my escorts would fit for the latter. Then there's the Xeelee Nightfighter with wings IIRC 2000 meters long. Scale can vary a ton. Just like the previous discussion about ship classes, the distinction between escorts and fighters seem rather arbitrary. Granted with the reduced size of White Corps I probably barely even a tenth as many starships than before.256 warships and say 1208 accompanying escorts should be enough. BTW, how many civilizations am I allowed to be in contact with? 20-30? More? 60 appears to be the maximum number of civilizations you wish to consider. But how many alien races that would mean? Many civs unite multiple races and this is why I am asking this. It's important for maintaining the variety within my staff. More alien races means the more diverse and fun my company staff could get. Speaking of scale this is a constant problem with space NRPs. The galaxy is just too huge. If you worry about having too many races I beleive the best approach would be to reduce the playground to begin with. Instead of making FTL engines extremely good, make a rule that they are relatively slow. No need to mention hard numbers just say that crossing the galaxy is nearly an impossible venture and focus everything to just a specific part of the galaxy, say a 1000x1000x1000 lightyear section. I know I am not the GM and can't just tell you what to do. It's just an idea of mine. People worry about making things too big while dropping people in the ungodly vastness of the Milky Way Galaxy. Of course things get like that. What you need is to limit the playing field in accordance to what kind of game you want, IMO. Anyways, I don't quite mind the ban on antimatter weapons for ground warfare. I don't even remember trying to convince you much besides explaining why I have them. I already thought of a much more amusing idea just now. BTW, are we allowed to mess with neutronic matter (like the stuff found in the center of neutron stars, ungodly dense and just as unstable). If yes, I go with plan B and extend this to starship weapons, too. On the other hand I didn't hear you commenting much on my quantum forging tech, because I DID try to convince you there: [quote=@Willy Vereb]IIRC, many of your previous space NRPs had replicators as a nearly standard tech. What caused the turnaround now? If you are worried I may abuse this like grey goo, instant ship construction or as free factories on infinite loop then there's nothing to be afraid of. Quantum Forging isn't anything as convenient. True it can allow creating matter out of energy but even in this futuristic world power won't be free, neither truly inexhaustible. Assemblies for vehicles or mining raw materials are still very prevalent. I don't wish to portray replicators as something which makes economy or industry meaningless. That being said if even with these restrictions you don't wish to deal with replicators then fine, I'll remove them. As an alternative is it fine to have "transmuters"? As in devices which can turn one type of matter to another? My replicators are already mostly working by this mechanism because they're such power hogs so this could let me keep my tech while closing off any loopholes.[/quote] tl;dr I was saying to switch replicators to matter transformers which can turn compressed storage of metastable matter to smaller objects. For example it can be used in place of an ammo clip for guns or transform poison into breathable air for environmental suits. Things like that. Would that be a fine alternative? It erases any fears of me abusing the tech while most of their equipment remain functional. Also are my Beehive Warheads fine after I clarified a few things with them? Namely that they don't just instantly expand to cover the area but require to be from sufficient distance away from the target. thi is why enemy fighters can dodge the pellets to begin with.