"Perhaps we may find the crystal coasts of the seas to the North." Vaeri said, playing along with his persona of being a idealized hero who did this sort of adventuring regularly. "Or find a magical grove filled with creatures you only hear of in legend that can teach you the secrets of nature. Or we will come upon a dark cave containing a savage hydra. At first you would be nearly overwhelmed by the many heads, but you soon figure out that by slicing off each of the heads and burning the stumps that the beast will fall. The lead is yours, Sir Tobias." Vaeri slyly smiled when Tobias apologized and mentioned that city girls loved his romanticized words of high adventure and treasure. Patiently, she waited for Tobias to finish his improvised brick of questions before turning back to answer Melvus' question. "Is it really so odd for me to be helping out humans? I am a woman of faith, our races do not matter to me. A person in need is one deserving of my aid." Vaeri paused for a moment before continuing. "Perhaps you were asking about the reason I am even traveling. I'm on a mission from god. I'm looking for a man with two right hands." Vaeri raised both her hands in the air for emphasis. "My goddess commanded me to go out and find him. And so I have been for the past 3 decades. I hope that answers your question satisfactorily." Vaeri turned around to face Tobias again, taking a deep breath. "And for you, the man on the white steed is named Derrix Nightbane Herchiv. I had an extended conversation with him last night. He appears to be a secretive man, but one with a deep understanding of spirituality. I do not believe he is concealing anything malicious, but that is a thing we can never really know. He does not look the type to share his past. I am almost certain he has no connection whatsoever to any dragons we may come across. I myself do not know what a Mist Dragon is, but Melvus' definition sounds correct. Most dragons are classified by their color whether it is a plain color like red or a metallic one like bronze, so your point about calling it a light blue-grey dragon is moot. If you had the chance to talk to the dragon, I believe you would be robbing the dragon, but no doubt you managed to escape his terrible breath attacks with cunning on your part, narrowing avoiding it's gaping maw with plenty of its gold in hand. Perhaps a few precious gemstones? However, I will keep your advice in mind if I meet another dragon on my travels. I believe Sana left Arianna with Sister Agnes while we're traveling. After all, it will be dangerous, and no place for a young girl like her. I would rather not think about a youngling getting injured or killed because of our carelessness. I am sure you would be a caring parent, but I doubt that most others would want such virtues imprinted on her. Although I wish I were so talented as to be able to teach people arcane magic, I lack the head for it. My magic is divine in nature, not well, natural. I'd only be able to mentor one with a faith like mine." Vaeri paused for only a moment to take a breath. "I would guess that lunch is in about 4 or 5 hours. I do not know your term for it, but we have a similar thing in my village that we called vasa'loki. It translates roughly to 'A serpent of food.' They are great on occasion, but it gets old and wasteful if done too often. I think kings and queens simply have their servants prepare a meal of what they want to eat instead of creating long lines of food they won't eat all themselves. I find palaces too stony for my taste. I prefer to stand on and be surrounded by earth and flora, not cut rocks. I assume the king's crown contained a magical gem that unjustly gave him the power to rule, and by taking it, you freed the people from his tyrannical grasp. Such would only be fitting of a man of your caliber. Anything else you would wish to discuss, Sir Tobias?"