Hugh was deep in thought, his pipe still firmly placed in his mouth while he puffed away at it. His retreat from reality was suddenly interrupted by the presence of Fiona, the warrior woman. He looked up, nodding in acknowledgement of her offer. He scratched his chin for a moment, then reached out his hand, stretching it out as much as was required. "Thank you!" He plucked it from her hand and bit into it. "Delicious." She then granted him some comforting words, which would fall short, as he wasn't worried about her safety. He was perplexed by how she was seemingly ignoring him. He hadn't any idea, but he kept mulling it over in his head. "It's not her safety." He sighed, "I'm just confused why she didn't speak to me. Barely even acknowledged me." He said it all in a rather glum tone, monotonous and depressing sounding. With a quick thought, he took his pipe from his mouth and reached it over to Fiona, "Would you like some? It's good tobacco!" He said with a friendly smile. It was not completely forced, but his thoughts were definitely disturbing him for the moment. Meanwhile, he would take small bites from the apple as he waited for her response to his offer.