[i]So she did hear me... [/i] “A mission from god, you say? To find a man with two right hands? That does seem rather interesting… I should like to see this man… Perhaps inquire about his dual appendages - are they both on his right side? Or are both of his thumbs on the left? Speaking of which, does he also have a left hand?” He took a breath, hoping that he wasn’t prying too much, it could probably be seen on his face. “Though you may not have been provided all of this information....” He thought for a moment, about nothing in particular, but he thought none the less. “I, myself, have been searching for my family for a long time…” The wizard felt that one who traveled so much could perhaps shed some light on their whereabouts. “About fifteen years ago my entire village disappeared with the exception of myself, there may have been others, but if there were, they were gone before I took notice of them… I’ve been searching ever since. Losing them… it changed me… I usually am not the type to go on talking like this… But I thought I’d ask if you could possibly have seen anything like this before? In your travels… An entire village, three-thousand people, disappearing overnight…”