[center] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Sharrkan.full.772090.jpg[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Karesh%20%22Rabbit%22%20Salib&name=le_Grand_Saut.ttf&size=50&style_color=3100B8[/img] [i]"Yes, I am just [i]that[/i] good. Never doubt it."[/i] OC: Sharrkan, MAGI: The Labyrinth of Magic [/center] Username: RainDash Name: Karesh "Rabbit" Salib Age: 21 Gender: Male Class: Thief Rank: Member House: Carnesale -> Aseryo Weapons: A pair of steel daggers and a couple throwing knives. The latter are mostly used to cut purses. Appearance: [img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Sharrkan.600.772142.jpg[/img] He wears two gold earrings; one in each of his ears. He usually wears green, to match his eyes. While his clothes aren't in bad condition, they have seen a lot of wear just because of his profession. Personality: Cocky and sarcastic. Karesh was hired because he's good at what he does and he knows it. He is confident in his abilities, but yet he doesn't boast about them a lot in bars. He tends to keep that he's a thief to himself unless he trusts the people he tells completely. Of course, by being secretive, he can move a lot easier in a crowd and avoid being caught. At first glance, most people just assume he's a confident pirate, but he's pretty plain in appearance and polite but not memorable. To friends and enemies he's wily and the most sarcastic person they've ever met. Or they would, if he had any friends or enemies. Karesh plays dumb most of the time, asking things to be explained to him in small words, but he's fairly intelligent on his own. He's made it this far on his own wits and charm. Short Biography: Karesh grew up without parents on the streets of Zuswil. Life in Zuswil was always excitng, and despite the amount of homeless children on the street, Karesh was always on his own. He was mostly in for small time thievery, taking food from street vendors and taking a few coins off of merchant's belts. At ten years old, he tried to do something bigger. He broke into a home and took everything of value. It wasn't well secured, but it was a big score for the young Karesh. It moved him slightly out of poverty and into a place where he no longer needed to steal food to survive. He liked stealing too much. He honed his talents, and as a few more months passed, a band of thieves learned of the rash of robberies where nothing was left and it appeared that no one had entered the building. They set up an initiation for Karesh and waited for the young thief to show his face. They nearly didn't catch him, but thankfully they had laid traps for him inside the home. They offered him a place in their band and he readily accepted the offer. As the years started to go by, people slowly became more and more jealous of the abilities of the young Karesh. One man in particular, Saren Narme, started to hatch a plan to try and sabotage Karesh's rise to infamy in the underworld. The job was to steal from the Great House Carnesale and not get caught. It required two people to get into the vault, and once the pair of them were inside, Saren sealed Karesh inside the vault and alerted the guard to his presence. Karesh accepted his fate and Saren escaped. However, instead of being put to the axe, Karesh was offered the job of 'professional thief' by the House of Carnesale and told that he would live by the command of Carnesale and if he stole from them his life would be forfeit. Karesh, without much of a choice, accepted the offer. As the conflicts between Aseryo and Tosen continued, Carnesale decided that sending Karesh to the Lord of Aseryo would gain them standing. So far, he's mostly enjoyed annoying Ryoichi and stealing from the various places he's sent to scout. Other: Karesh dyes his hair white for luck. He's naturally blonde. Karesh has a fear of water.