Jason shook Diego's hand, "Australia huh? Interesting, never met someone from there before." Jason disregarded how unsure he sounded about that, instead focusing on the makeshift ramp that they had to descend to make it to the forest. He didn't bother trying to balance and walk down carefully, instead he just ran down, tripping slightly as he reached ground but making it just fine. Jason made it just in time to see the guy poof away, looking in the bags he saw some clothes, which reminded him he had been in his pajamas this whole time. He looked in the bags and found some clothes that fit, and they weren't half bad looking either. With seemingly everyone down the ramp, Habb introduced himself. "Well, I'm Jason, and I think we should stick together, at the very least until we know more about what's going on." Jason didn't want to sit in case something happened and they had to move quick, but he did lean against a tree to at least try and relax.