Fiona let a short "uh" escape her upon being offered the pipe, before she found herself reaching out to accept it, feeling for whatever reason that it would be rude to not accept. It was a habit of hers, really, being unable to politely refuse people that were trying to be kind. Taking the pipe, she puffed on it briefly, immediately revealing that she didn't make a habit of smoking by the way she coughed lightly, and then handed it back, a bit of an embarrassed smile in place on her lips. "Thank you," she managed, taking a moment to collect herself, and give his response some thought. This was difficult ground to be treading on, unsure what would be too far to assume, too far to say. But it was obvious enough to her that he was in some kind of pain, and Sana clearly was, too. Fiona didn't have much experience with relationships; none of hers thus far had lasted all that long, nor did they have much adventure involved, given the lack of it in village life. She didn't know if she could help, but she could try. "Well... she went through a lot yesterday. She told you, didn't she? After the fight with the Anti-Paladin?" Fiona didn't remember it perfectly, but she thought she'd seen the two of them converse after the fight. And they were together through the night, so surely he learned at some point what had happened to her. "I think it's understandable, given all that occurred, for her to be more preoccupied with other things than showing affection." Fiona had to figure that by now, however long they'd been together, that both knew that the other cared deeply, and didn't need constant acknowledgement and attention to prove that. "On top of everything, she's had leading this group dumped in her lap, and she's doing her best with that. Most people would've quit after what happened yesterday, but obviously Sana's not most people." Fiona gazed out ahead a moment, clearing a few strands of red hair from her face when the wind pushed them in the way. "My guess... she needed some time to think about things. And if it's not too bold to suggest, I think it would be wise for you to have a conversation with her when you two get a chance." She sighed softly. Discussing relationships wasn't really something she thought she'd be doing when she woke up that morning, but she did want to help. "You know... make sure she's okay. Talk about what you want to be doing. I'm just pretty sure that acting like everything's alright isn't going to [i]make[/i] everything alright." Frankly, Fiona thought it was a bit selfish for him to be expecting acknowledgement and attention from Sana right now, when it was her world turned upside down yesterday. But she expected she didn't really have to say that.