[color=DarkViolet]Set Trachtenberg[/color] [color=DarkOrchid]Mikveh Israel Cemetery[/color] Set stood in front of the rather ordinary headstone, clutching a necklace and a bouquet of pink carnations. His hat and cane lay at the side of the grave and he seemed to have no trouble standing without said cane. His thoughts drifted back to his past, Vietnam, meeting his wife, having their daughter and of course, his wife's eventual death. He stood for a few more moments before sighing and laying down the bouquet at the foot of the headstone. He picked up his hat and cane while shoving the necklace into his jacket pocket. He made his way back to his car and started the engine, but didn't start moving quite yet. His eyes drifted across the street, a favourite shop of his wifes sat, staring at him like a challenge. His eyes narrowed as he turned the ignition off and got out of his car. Set entered 'Starbucks' looking about as out of place as a toaster on a fence post. He swept his long black jacket back and reached into his pocket before pulling his wallet out of said pocket. He eyed the menu that was stationed above the counter before making his decision. He gave a courtesy smile to the young, pimpled attendant, a courtesy that was not repaid. [color=MediumVioletRed]"An earl gray tea please"[/color] Spoke, Set. The attendant went through the usual speil before getting him his order. Set paid and began drinking it as he exited the establishment. To him it had too much of a 'hipster' feel to it, he certainly didn't get what his wife saw in the place. After his first sip his face turned to a small scowl, he leaned against a pillar inside the shop and pulled out his small, old mobile phone. He punched in a few numbers before raising the phone to his ear and talking. [color=MediumVioletRed]"Hila, It's your father, I'm in that [i]Moonbucks[/i] place and let me tell you-"[/color] He took another sip. [color=MediumVioletRed]"[i]Oy gevalt[/i] is this bad"[/color] He could hear his daughter laughing on the other side of the phone. [color=LightSalmon]"You need to get with the times, dad!"[/color] She spoke [color=LightSalmon]"Not everything can be made with as much time and effort as you make it, it is a fast-food shop after all."[/color] [color=MediumVioletRed]"Would it kill them to put a little more citrus in it though?"[/color] Another laugh came from the other side of the phone. [color=LightSalmon]"Dad, I've got to go pick, Sophia up from school, speak to you later ok?"[/color] [color=MediumVioletRed]"Alright, bubbala, give my love to Sophia."[/color] [color=LightSalmon]"And stop using those old Yiddish phrases! This isn't the Torah for Pete's sake!"[/color] Set laughed a little before closing over his phone and exiting the shop. He sidestepped a young trucker as he left the shop and got into his car. [color=DarkOrchid]Home[/color] Set laid his cane down on the table next to his chair. He leaned over to his right and fiddled with the record player for a while before finally getting it to work. The music of 'Gilbert O'Sullivan' began to echo throughout his house. Namely [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbFh_VWQdjc&list=PLoOwht9sJAhJyAX77ItO5CmVXEhhUwW_l&index=9]'Matrimony'[/url], Set's favourite song. He picked todays newspaper up from beside his cane and began to read, sipping the 'disgusting' tea as he did. He had longed for a hobby since his wife had died. He had tried out stamp collecting, kite flying and even trainspotting. But all of them had been too boring, and the third one had involved too much [i]'Irvine Welsh'[/i] literature. Nevertheless, he remained content in his small, boring life.