Kobe had anticipated a day of brutal training and impossibly hard tests. Instead he found his most prominent adversary to be boredom. He had spent most of the morning just sitting around waiting for his name to come up trying not to meet eye with the other trainees. By the time his test finally came he was too bored and hungry to feel nervous at all. He had passed with an average score, and was glad of it: He didn't wish to stand out in any way. He sat on a patch of soggy grass near the edge bank of the training ground, watching the new trainees yet to be tested as they went through all their various exercises and good luck rituals. Many ware doing stretches and warm ups, some gathered with their friends to wish each other luck. Everyone wanted to succeed but not everyone could. Kobe felt sorry for those who failed, but was also glad in a way. Better they be safe but disappointed than proud but dead. Kobe lay his back onto the soft ground and looked up at the sky.. Blue.. [center][hider= -bad image-][img]http://oi62.tinypic.com/2v1pyf4.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]