Somewhere in the north, on the far borders of the Daeron territory there were small towns that lived with paranoia of the Felmare attacks. It was well protected but who knows when all will fall? When the guardians can't protect them?. Still they tried to live their lives normally tending to their work and families. Most of the towns worked with farming to provide food supplies for the Daerons protecting them, but the real value of protecting them were the mines that provided materials for weapons and armor. Azai was sent to one of the mining towns, to investigate deaths of several miners and Daerons soldiers. The Daerons wanted to sent someone from headquarter, yet someone expendable, so the task was given to Azai, and he had to accept. Upon his arrival to the town, he immediately felt the familiar cold that he was used to in his former thousand year service, the smell of fear from the citizens of the town. Azai immediately headed for the mine to question the miners about the deaths. He found the supervisor of the miners, and with a calm voice he said [I]" I'm Azai the Daeron sent to investigate the deaths. So what can you tell me"[/I] the man was still paranoid and scared from the deaths, it was reeking from him with all his sweat. He was trembling a little but calmed down when he heard that he has finally arrived to take care of the situation. [I]" Finally you arrived, The mining stopped and the mine is closed, even the guardians died down there... Rumors say that a beast has decided to make this mine his home..."[/I] Azai raised his hand and stopped the man from talking. He told him to give him te direction to the closed section, and went there. He found two Daerons gaurding the entrance, he offered them to come with him but they refused with no second thought [I]" No demon. It's your own funeral we are not prepared to die yet..."[/I] Azai wasn't expecting them to come along from the start. He crossed the sealed line and disappeared from the guards sight through the tunnels. The walls were damp, becuase of the heat inside mine, and the light was also being reflected from the walls giving multiple colored aura in each section. Azai started wondering what kind of beast would live in here when it's being used, several names came to him but still didn't feel it was right, so he kept on with his search...