[b]Name[/b]: Filip De Veen [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Filip][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1469/eec83f38774a4a5e8ea6d2d0c6b76156.jpeg?1538006[/img][/hider] [b]Ethnic[/b]: Dutch [b]Personality[/b]: Filip is an unpredictable force of nature. One minute he could be friendly and the happiest person in the world than the next he is moody and unsociable. Some people would peg him as Bi-polar but the answer is not so simple as top be classified as a disorder as he just does whatever pleases him. He enjoys the freedom that was given to him by this new world and plans to take full advantage of this new beginning, who knows one day he could be off climbing a mountain and the next he might try and challenge a god to a fight just for laughs. [b]Background/History[/b]: Filip was born into a family of four siblings as the youngest and as such was always slipping under the radar as the favorite child. He was always told by his older brothers and sister that he always got away with more stuff than they did at his age which didn't bother him at all. In fact this just made him feel like he was more special. Once he got into High school this went all down hill as he realized that he had been spoiled as a child and that was a rough learning experience. He had a habit of getting bullied though this did not stop Filip from doing what he wanted. Some how he survived his high school years if just barely and soon followed the path of his siblings to go to university to learn a trade. University was another rough part in his life as he did not enjoy schooling at this point and just felt like it was a waste of time. Filip just wanted to be done with university as fast as possible, but in his last year of schooling he was suddenly pulled into the world of Aurora. This new world seemed to hold many possibilities and the fresh start that Filip De Veen was always longing for. [b]Goal/Desires[/b]: The world is his playground and should be enjoyed as such. [b]Powers[/b]: Animal Persuasion (Passive): This power allows any animal that Filip to come in contact with to become friendly to a degree depending on how developed the power has become. This could range from a wild horse allowing itself to be ridden without hesitation or a pack of wolves from attacking him while he sleeps in the woods to possible someday being able to ride a dragon without any fuss. Animals just seem to get along with Filip to a certain degree depending on how strong the creature is compared to the level of the power. [b]Equipment/Inventory[/b]: What were you able to bring along with you to Aurora?