As the sun shined down on the training camp in the morning Dianna walked out of the female dorm and stretched her arms out while taking in a breath of the fresh air after having escaped the stagnant air of the dorm which wasn’t the best smelling due to the fact hard working trainees lived there. Despite all the showers they might take, one couldn’t escape from being tired, dirty, and smelly at some points. Either way, Dianna enjoyed being able to step off the wood patio in front of the building and walk down the main lane of buildings which had the training area right across from them. Some new trainees were being broken in with one of their earliest tests; 3D maneuver gear training. Watching them rig themselves up for a moment she put a hand to her chin and took note of what she saw. Dianna had helped one of her peers originally with this very training when on the first day he had fallen down. Unlike a few people around, she tried to help some others exceed so they would have the proper skill once they had to face Titans. Just scraping by would lead them to get killed in action. Some of her officers enjoyed what she did, while others resented her for helping those who were weak. Finding it odd she forgoes some of her training to help, but most didn’t know the time she would lay awake at night figuring out how to improve her skill and practice alone with what she could. Seeing the one boy gloat and then fail in the distance she sighed slightly. It pained her to see someone try and show off when facing the fact they can’t do it would lead them to train better in the areas they acknowledge their weakness. [color=a187be]“There are always a few…”[/color] she said aloud before watching a few more test and thinking about how far she had come. [color=a187be]“Three year eh?”[/color] she then muttered as she took a moment to notice how fast it had truly gone. In truth, her first try at the gear had been a flop and her instructor initially thought she would be another useless recruit. Little did he know the determination she showed and with the next test she had been one of the best at staying up before she helped the other peer she recalled. Dianna had a gift with the 3D maneuver gear in a sense. While she certainly wasn’t the physically strongest recruit, she was certainly agile and precise, except when it came to a fire arms. She couldn’t hit the side of a barn with them which contradicted her usually perceptive nature. [color=a187be]“They are going to have us work hard today though, it’s far too good of a day for an all-day training session for them not to.”[/color] She noted before shrugging to herself. Not lie she would have a say, so complaining didn’t matter. If she complained, she would be rejecting her drive to be a soldier anyway, and the nights she spent to keep her skill with some secret practice as well as simply lecturing herself under the stars would have been wasted. Some can do it without practice, but Dianna had tried hard to get to the skill she now had before the final tests would come. [color=a187be]“Beats training in the summer though.”[/color] She added afterwards as she continued her walk with a small smile and moving to hold her hands behind her back. Even if they don’t have us train for the day, may as well enjoy the walk for now she thought. A minute or so later as she circled the center training ground she came across Kobe who layed back. Moving her head in front of the sun she said while looking down at him. [color=a187be]"I'm not the only one who enjoys this weather then?"[/color] she asked before smiling slightly and standing straight back up. Casual and kind in her voice as she is to everyone. [color=a187be]"Though, I don't think you will be able to relax for to long. Soon here we are going to be called to train. I'm surprised they didn't have us up at sunrise on a day like today."[/color]