[@ProfessorNV] I like Dominic! He reminds me of a 'Hero of Justice' sort of character... sort of. Anyway, he's accepted. [@Zombehs] So to speak, yes! Everyone came from an Earth similar to ours, although they all didn't really come here willingly. They all came here suddenly and without notice- so this world is, and will be, a shock to them. For some, depending on their character/personality, they might just see this place as a dream or a figment of their imagination. So, you do have quite the liberty of freedom while making your characters here. [hr] Also, [i][b]important notice[/b][/i], since there has been huge amounts of interest suddenly, and PMs with interest, I've decided to go ahead and make an OOC for us [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85607-aurora-the-land-of-twilight-and-falsities/ooc]here[/url]. Enjoy!