Done [hider=Лetta Агуя] Name: Лetta Агуя (Letta Iguya) Nickname: Netta, so called by her schoolmates due to her interest in English and a coincidentally similar letter shape. Sex: Female Age: 20 Appearance: [hider=Лetta] [img][/img] [/hider] Ethnic: Russian Personality: Лetta comes off initially as cold and unsympathetic. She avoids strangers and appears aloof and uncompassionate towards those she is unfamiliar with. She is quiet and often can go unnoticed to those she wishes to evade. She is, however, not a snob so much as genuinely cool and aloof. Under the icy cusp of her personality, Лetta is an intellectual. She enjoys nothing more than to stare at the sky and immerse herself in her thoughts. She is very logical and often makes good decisions. Although Лetta is mistrusting to unfamiliars, she is extremely protective of those she considers friends. At times she can be self-sacrificing, and her fury is like fire. Background/History: Лetta's upbringing began in decent enough circumstances. Both her father and mother worked in the Russian Armed Forces. She wasn't wealthy, but wasn't poor either. Лetta went to a decent school, though still often with the highest grades. Her particular interest was languages, English being her favorite. While Лetta wasn't studying, she enjoyed going to the range and shooting with her father. She quickly became a crack-shot, able to make shots over 400 yards. Her frequent trips to the range led her to the loves of her life: a .50 cal Desert Eagle and a Taurus Raging Judge. Лetta followed her passion vigorously, until that unfortunate day... They said the war was nothing to worry about, an overzealous government wishing to keep control of an underdog rebellion. A weak enemy is still an enemy, however, something Лetta has yet to forget. For most girls, eighteen is a day to of. For many it means freedom, the ability to (legally) drive, and many other things. Most girls receive this for their eighteenth birthday. Лetta received but two things on this day: letters of sympathy. A month later, she found herself on the streets. Her next two years were spent from addiction to addiction, constantly in search of her next dose. Despite her constant craving, she never once thought of giving up her guns, empty and useless though they were. To this day her life continues in a downward spiral .. Goal/Desires: Лetta seeks to rid herself of the past. She wishes to forget her hatred, sorrow, and dependence. Although still very smart, she wishes to become more knowledgeable, hoping to one day bring peace to the world. Powers: Magnetic Field Control: A field controller has the ability to generate strong magnetic pulses and direct them into objects and through air at will (and sometimes, unwillingly). This allows acceleration of metals to speeds exponential to that of sound. By directing such pulses, one can bend metal into shapes at will, as well as fire projectiles much faster and therefore with far more energy than that of a typical weapon. Additionally, MFC's can curve projectiles mid-air. At extremely high levels of emission, magnetic fields can be used as a shield of sorts. Since all materials are at some point magnetizable, anything can be deflected. This requires [u][i]massive[/i][/u] amounts of power and control, however, and can't be used for long without incurring serious physical exhaustion. Often this shield-like emanation is so strong that it spontaneously combusts the air around it, causing "manipulation" of fire possible, but impractical in most situations. As of now, Лetta is limited to shaping objects from any easily magnetized substance, slightly changing a metal projectile's path and speed, and very watered-down versions of a magnetic force field (meaning creation of a small fire in, at most, her palm). Although she can shoot metal directly from her hands, Лetta finds this extremely inaccurate and prefers using a medium (gun). Secondly, Лetta's agility and stamina increased upon coming to Aurora. Her reaction time is slightly improved, and she is able to dodge slow objects / attacks fairly easily. Although never a frail type in the other world, in Aurora she is even less so and is able to take hits, not incredibly well, but better than normal. Equipment/Inventory: Taurus Judge, 9 inch barrel, full metal body; clothes, of course; a spherical piece of metal that she often shapes and wears as a necklace. [/hider]