Sana smiled softly as she listened to Derrix describe his homeland, it sounded like it was a truly beautiful place but then again she had seen many stunning lands in her travels. What made the description so much deeper than what was on the surface of the words was how he spoke about it. There was a certain love that floated about when he talked about it, and it helped her to understand, even if only a bit, what it meant to have a homeland. It was something Sana had never had but she could understand the draw. Perhaps his homeland to him was like her love of song and music. It was just something that the heart could beat to. Whether it be to never ending fields or a single note held to be caught on the wind. Perhaps home within the soul, not within the mind. "It sounds lovely," she said in a kind voice. Even though Sana and Derrix hadn't spoken much about what was bothering her, the general conversation had been pleasant and it helped to put her more at ease. He was mysterious but underneath that mystery was a kindness. It was something she could appreciate. "And yes, your steed seems to be truly remarkable. Though I have to wonder if that is the horse or its master," she said as she looked over towards him. "Perhaps a bit of both," she added before glancing around and taking note of a path off the side of the road. "Hrm, I wonder," she muttered to herself as she pulled on the reins and steered Epona towards the forest. After a few minutes of following the path she stopped and her lips parted as a soft "wow," escaped her lips. There just beyond the sight of the road was a natural formed cave that seemed to be cut into the rock face not by wear of weather but formed by a single large oak that grew above two cliffs and its roots formed the top of the cave itself. The roots spanned over the top and grew down the side of the rock to the forest floor where they met a small pond of water at the base. The cave floor itself was covered with a bed of lush green clovers. "I think this will do for the evening," she said as she looked over towards Derrix. "What do you think?" she asked, wanting his input. The path was not as wide as the road but it was enough for the wagon to get through if they were careful and the cave opening was large enough for a nice sized camp beneath the roots of the tree.