Ragna patiently waited for Lydia to observe them in silence. The only thing he could pick up was the occasional word from the fighting couple and then the oddly peaceful forest around them. His mind drifted off and he was pulled into his fathers magic. Once again, like before, his father appeared on a throne of bones. " Son, Just give me the halfling and I'll forgive you for your sins against me and your brothers. We want you to join us in our struggle to overthrow the king. He doesn't deserve the power that that girl can give him. I...no we do." Ragna looked up at demon before him and struggled not to leave right then and there. Mist slowly surrounded his feet as he stood up and peered directly into the demons eyes. " Tell me what she is to be used for, and I might think about it. However if you send any more of your demon lackies after me, you will only have corpses left to rule over. I can promise you that." His fathers face twisted in rage for the briefest of moments before returning to the serene facade that he often hid behind no matter how heinous the act he was committing. A slight chuckle escaped the vile man's lips as he sneered down at his hated son. "I'll tell you one thing. She is a part of the Twilight prophecy and if she falls into the angels hands, we are all doomed." Ragnarok's eyes widened at the mention of that prophecy and wanted to ask more but he suddenly felt his body being pulled, probably by Lydia so he allowed himself to drift back to his body. When he finally cleared away the fog he saw they were by the road already and he caught the end of what she was saying "...aren't above hiring humans..." "Hm? Y-yeah, we should get going right way." He blinked a few times as he looked over Lydia in a new light. [i]Can I really protect someone who is deemed worthy for such a gift? Maybe it would be better to fade into obscurity.[/i] His eyes fell to the ground as they started to move down the path, ever closer to so many enemies and so few allies.